Article Archive

No more ‘Nextwave’… sort of

Warren Ellis brings the news that his Nextwave on-going series has been canceled and will return sometime in the future…

Some Visual Searching with Cover Browser

I’m sitting in the Seattle-Tacoma airport, killing time before my flight (Two more hours to go! Gaaah!) and I’ve finished…

Dear Brian Wood, I’m sorry. ‘DMZ’ is Terrific.

I’ve said on the podcast and on the site that I’m not the biggest fan of Brian Wood. I don’t…

Here Comes Silver Surfer: Leaked Pics From Fantastic Four Sequel

Two pictures of Silver Surfer all rigged up for motion capture (probably at WETA) for Fantastic Four: Rise of the…

Childhood Flashback: Marvel’s 1987 Thanksgiving Day Float

Augie De Blieck literally just made my day. He found a link to video from the 1987 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day…

Neil Gaiman on ‘Cranky Geeks’

In an odd turn of worlds colliding for me, renowned author and comic god for his work on Sandman, was…

His Soul is Crying: Warren Ellis Takes on ‘Thunderbolts’

Driving a stake into the heart of his dream of non-superhero creative freedom, Warren Ellis has been announced as the…

Server Issues… (UPDATE)

UPDATE! (10/08/06) Looks like the worst is behind us and the issues are resolved. If you see or experience anything…

Learning Yoga with Spider-Man and Barbie

Ever wonder how Spider-Man could get into all those contorted positions in the comic books? Yoga! Now you too can…

Marvel MMO: Things Just Get Weird

Remember a few years back when the MMO City of Heroes came out and Marvel sued them for making characters…