Article Archive

Lex Luthor’s Security is Not So Good

Someone known only as voodoowonderland (UPDATE! aka Jack Cutler – Thanks Jack!) sent us this blast from the past advertisement…

And There Came a Dark Horse

There’s a nice, long write up on the history and doings of Dark Horse Comics in The New York Times…

It’s a movie title after our own hearts: ‘Fanboys” Trailer

The trailer for Fanboys has finally hit. I can’t tell if this is going to be awful or brilliant (perhaps…

Snyder Says ‘Watchmen’ Film Will Stay True to the Comic

From the “Is anything sacred” file: the director currently attached to the film version of Watchmen, Zach Snyder, tells…

JMS Takes Credit for ‘Heroes’

…well not really. Entertainment Weekly has a surprisingly coherent article about Heroes and its similarities and possible debts to comic…

1-2% of ‘Simpsons’ Fans will be Thrilled: Alan Moore To Appear

Alan Moore, known around the iFanboy offices as the greatest comic book writer of all time (yeah, we said it.),…

New ‘Spider-Man 3’ Trailer (UPDATE)

UPDATE! Here it is! The new trailer for Spider-Man 3 hits all over US television tonight! It should be interesting. I…

The Redemption of Mike Carey?

Mike Carey has a new series coming out from Vertigo called Crossing Midnight. Now I know I’ve spoken of him…

Support Creative Commons

I know it’s all fun and comics around here, but now we need to talk a little business. In case…

A Very Special Halloween Story from Paul Dini

In lieu of a writing the latest issue of Detective Comics this week, Paul Dini instead tells us of Halloween…