New Comics for 05.02.2012 already did for free, so yes

Get to pulling this Wednesday’s books, and then let us know what you’re looking forward to most, what you’re dropping, what others should be buying and anything you’re thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris, Jeff, Matt and Timmy.

This week Josh Flanagan has the Pick of the Week!

SPECIAL NOTE: There was an accident involving a Diamond delivery truck and a lot of comics. That could cause delays on certain titles getting to your shops this week. So if your shop doesn’t have all of your books this week, that might be why.

Bonus Question: Would you shave your head for a 1 in 3 chance to win $1,000,000?


  1. This is a big week for me in more then one ways. I’m going to South Carolina for my sister’s graduation! So comics will be the last thing I do before going off the grid for a few days. Also, I’m going to miss Free Comic Book Day because of that….so you mix the good with the bad. But I got a good amount of comics to read before leaving:

    Dial H
    Swamp Thing
    Sweet Tooth

    BQ: Why not? I have short hair anyways so it won’t matter to me.

  2. Excited for the new series being launched this week, specially XO Manowar, and also Dial H and Earth 2.

    Seems like DC is still getting most of my business, I’m eager to keep up with Animal Man, Swamp Think and look forward to see what Milligan can do with Stormwatch. Dropped Action Comics tho, Morrison or not I just can’t get myself to care for a Superman comic…

    Over at Marvel its Daredevil, AoA and AvX – which I hope will actually bring more story into it soon. Where’s Rachel Grey in all this for crying out loud!

  3. Dropping Action Comics and Ultimate Spiderman. Interested in the Worlds’ Finest and Earth 2.

    BQ: Hell yeah, I would shave my head. I think this BQ comes from The Amazing Race. That chick is a PSYCHO.

  4. Pulling 11 this week. I may drop Action, it has not been good. Looking forward to AVX continuing and Dial H.

    BQ: Hell Yeah I would.

  5. Really looking forward to Dial H and interested in GI Combat (not quite so for the other New-new 52).
    BQ: Um, am I still eligible if I shave my head every few days already (it;s either that or just a mess of thinning hair with bald patches).

  6. BQ: Absolutely, not much left up there so what’s the difference!

  7. Interested in Earth 2 and World’s Finest…

    BQ: i’d be boxing out dudes throwing elbows and kicking shins to get a chance at that!!!. My hair grows fast and i like to wear hats anyways. =)

  8. Light week for me, just AVX and Ultimate Spider-man. This is my last time out for USM (it’s a good book, but paced in a way that makes me want to read it in trade), and AVX (which, as an event, is always one bad issue away from getting dropped), so I might sample one or two of those New 52 Second wave books.

    BQ: Hell yes, without hesitation. Even if I still had a healthy head of hair.

  9. BQ: I have a scar going ear to ear from surgery I had as a child. My head is also a bit lumpy. So I’d typically avoid shaving my head. That said, it would only be a few weeks and a guy could buy a lot of hats with that kind of money. Definitely.

  10. AvX, Daredevil, Earth 2, and World’s Finest. Also, FCBD!

    BQ: Why not? I wear a hat everyday anyways.

  11. Most excited for Daredevil, Swamp Thing, Animal Man, and, especially, Fury Max. I can’t wait to see what Ennis and Parlov have in store for us.

    BQ: I’d shave my head for a one in three chance at $100, let alone $1,000,000.

  12. BQ: Fuck yes.

  13. ANIMAL MAN #9
    AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #3 (OF 12)
    EPIC KILL #1
    EXILED #1
    PIGS #7
    X-O MANOWAR #1

    Woohoo X-O Manowar! The FCBD story was fun. Can’t wait.

    BQ: I already do, so sure!

  14. Light week:

    AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #3 (OF 12)
    FURY MAX #1

    BQ: Before or after taxes?

  15. 10 books, half of which are number 1s. I like those odds.

  16. What a rubbish week, just getting Age Of Apocalypse!

    But next week super awesome massive week!!!!

  17. BQ: No. My hair extensions cost $500. *whines*

  18. With Fury MAX, X-O Manowar, GI Combat and The Spider all dropping, I don’t know what I’m most excited for.

    AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #3 (OF 12)
    FURY MAX #1
    EARTH TWO #1
    G.I. COMBAT #1
    X-O MANOWAR #1

    BQ: I wish I had a percentage of that for every time I shave my head.

  19. earth two, action, AoA, USM, avx, daredevil

    swamp thing and animal man are game time decisions.

    bq: having a hard time believing anyone would say no.

  20. Small week for me (damn 5th week shuffle) and all DC, odd that. getting:

    Swamp Thing
    Animal Man
    Dial H

    trying Earth 2.

    dropped JiM because of all the crossovers so no Exiled for me.

  21. DAREDEVIL #12 – God, I love that cover. Sexy, but classy. Chris Samnee is here to replace Marcos Martin, and after Khoi Pham fill-in next issue, he’s gonna be rotating story arcs with Paolo Rivera, so hopefully this book can back to being the consistently awesome book it was back in 2011 and not this crossover/fill-in fest it’s been for most of 2012.

    AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #3 – I’m getting this just to keep up with things, and that’s the worst reason to pick up a comic, folks. Don’t be like me when you grow up.

    AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #685 – Last issue really sold me on this story, as it bounced along full of energy and humor, like I’d had hoped this event would be about. It’s not Spider-Island, but it’s shaping up to be a great story in it’s own right. I hope it keeps it up.

    FURY MAX #1 – Ennis, Max Universe? No brainer

    VENOM #17 – Similar to his idol Spider-Man, Flash Thompson has his own Sinister Six to worry about, but from all intents and purposes its gonna be a more personal kind of story and not the globe-trotting adventure ASM is doing. I haven’t been convinced Cullen Bunn is worth all this trouble Marvel is going through to put him over, but let’s see where this goes.

    WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN: ALPHA AND OMEGA #5 – I read the first issue of this mini. It was fine, but it read like it would be better suited to reading all the issues together. So, I’ve waited until this week when the last issue hit, and now I plan to knock all five of them out to see the whole story. Here’s hoping it was worth the wait!

    THE DEFENDERS #6 – The news of McKelvie replacing Dodson has reawaken my interest in this book, along with the last two issues being rather good. I’m not that big of a fan of this issue’s artwork, however it does focus on Danny “Iron Fist” Rand written by Matt Fraction, so this comic has my complete attention on that front! There’s a lot of big things and mysteries going on with this book, and I hope it can stick around to see it all come to fruition.

    INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #516 – God, last issue sucked ass. Just like the last issue of Stark Resilient sucked ass. That’s the problem when you’re doing this huuuuge 50+ issue narratives; the smaller stories can’t really conclude with any sort of power. There’s a bunch of explosions, nobody really gets hurt, they shake their fists and live to fight another day.

  22. I wish it was a smaller week for me, but alas the comic book publishers will get another $25 from me:

    Animal Man #9 (For some reason I can’t stop reading this)
    Avengers Vs. X-Men #3
    Earth 2 #1
    Spawn #219 (Not much Spawn love around here huh?)
    Thief of Thieves #4
    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #10
    X-O Manowar #1

  23. *ahem*- y’know…MIND THE GAP is only $2.99 for 48 pgs of story. Just sayin’… (you should pick it up. please)

  24. Nice light week for me too. I’m glad though, because it means I can spend more at the sales on FCBD.

    Animal Man
    Blue Estate
    Dial H- Sounds promising, I’ll give it a shot.
    Earth 2- Same as above, plus I dig Robinson’s other work.
    Swamp Thing

    I’m skipping Action Comics this month, because the opening arc didn’t do it for me. I may however check it out when the main storyline (If there is one) picks back up. Also, 3.99 for the average story–regardless of page count–going on in Detective Comics led to me dropping it too.

  25. ! have only 1 book this week, and that is Mind the Gap, which i might not even pick up.

  26. Looking forward to Action, Animal Man, Swampy, and Daredevil.

    BQ: Hell yeah. But ya wouldn’t wanna be around me if I lost.

  27. This week brings me books which I find enjoyable already – ACTION, DAREDEVIL, even AvX – but it’s the other three on my pull list that I’m anxiously awaiting: EARTH 2, WORLD’S FINEST, AND SMALLVILLE SEASON 11! Even the free DINOSAURS VS. ALIENS if I can find it. Controversial comments aside, I love Grant Morrison’s work, for the most part.

    BQ: Obvious.

  28. 6 books this week. Not a bad deal really. Looking forward to Mind the Gap….if my store gets it. It’s not showing on their list, but who knows. They have been wrong before. May also pick up Fury Max too. Who knows, it’s a free country right?

  29. I would shave my head without question for that kinda of chance at a million dollars. Even better, I would share the million dollars with the other two if we all shaved our heads at the same time and agreed on the split, right?
    Action Comics- This will be Gene Ha’s chance to really wow me since he did not over in the pages of JL and to be honest; in this title the artwork so bad since the begining he does not have to do to much.
    Avengers Acedemy- Pulling only for the cross-over.
    AVX- Yes, Yes, Yes can’t wait to read this!! This has been a blast from the past when comic books were just fun and not so complicated!
    Daredevil- Really of course!!
    Detective- Nice looking cover this month and lets see how far these toxic’ens go??
    Dial H- I hope it is as good as it’s last incarnation and for a longer period of time to.
    Eart Two- Again Really!!??
    JLI- One of my favorite titles since issue #1 although last issue and it looks like this one maybe head some where I am not willing to follow. I am so afraid this could be the end for me and the JLI.
    Red Lanterns- Kick’s Ass every issue and after the destruction from last issue and now two Corps. have been seemingly shut down; what will happen next??
    Stormwatch- Red Lantern guest star in a fight with Apollo and MIdnighter need I say more.
    Teen Titans Annual- Already? How is there an annual already?? It is ok by me though, just more Teen Titans to read!!
    Amazing Spiderman- Really? Really?
    Worlds Finest- Lets change our beloved Power Girl and leave The Huntress virtually untouched right, see what I am saying? PG’s costume was her thing, sexy and tuff and could really only be the one person who could wear a costume like that and deal with it. Oh well, it’s the New 52 round 2 so let’s hope they know what they are doing.

    I think I may grab a couple extra experimental ones while I am at the store since I dropped Animal Man, Swamp Thing and Green Arrow. I need to save some money and yet I keep adding instead of subtracting titles; I swear next month will be the month where I get my pull list down and in order.


  30. Still need to pick up Incredible Hulk #7 and Catwoman #8 from 2 weeks ago and Uncharted #6 from last week, but this week I’m getting Action Comics #9, Avengers Academy #29, Avengers vs. X-Men #3, Swamp Thing #9, Teen Titans Annual #1, The Amazing Spider-Man #685, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #10, Venom #17, & Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #5.

    BQ: yeah I would. I don’t have much hair any way.

  31. I got USM 10
    AvX-3 I hope this gets better
    Teen Titans anunnal number 1
    thinking about earth 2 just to see if wally is the flash

    BQ- hell yes I would

  32. Ten books this week, which is a massive week for me.

    Action Comics #9
    Animal Man #9
    Daredevil #12
    Detective Comics #9
    Justice League international #9
    Mind the Gap #1
    Amazing Spider-Man #685
    Invincible Iron man #516
    The Spider #1
    X-Factor #235

    I am seriously looking forward to Mind the Gap. Image seems to be putting out a lot of great stuff as of late and this is one of the books from them I am most excited for. Seems like a very intriguing concept, can’t wait to check it out!

  33. Animal Man, Daredevil, Earth Two, Fury MAX (I think), Mind the Gap, and Swamp Thing. Excited to see the Rot Saga continue and curious about the other issue #1s, good week.

    BQ: Abso-freaking-lutely!

  34. Well, a head of hair as thick and luscious as mine is probably worth $2 million

  35. Animal Man
    Swamp Thing
    Earth 2
    Dial H
    GI Combat
    Amazing Spider-Man
    Ultimate Spider-Man

    Looking forward to Earth 2 and Daredevil the most. Trying Dial H and GI Combat. Hopefully they are good. I know nothing about Dial H and JT Krul doesn’t wow me be whatever, I’ll give it a shot.
    BQ: Dude who wouldn’t

  36. Answer: Maybe…it’s been awhile since my hair was really short. So, it’d be nice to try and win some money.

  37. Daredevil
    X-O Manowar

  38. SUPREME #64
    DIAL H #1
    EARTH TWO #1
    G.I. COMBAT #1


  39. BQ: yes

  40. Crazy list this week – crazy good! How could it not be when it includes Animal Man, Swamp Thing, World’s Finest, Earth 2 and Dial H?

    As for the bonus question, yeah I would…. but I’m at the age where I’d be a little worried it won’t come back!

  41. BQ:

    No not for money but I would do it for Locks of Love. They are certain things you should do for the right reason.


  42. Night of Owls & EARTH 2 for me.

    BQ: Only a girl would even have to think about it, any man would shave his head and most have done it a few times for free. Most women should not shave their heads for a chance at money.

  43. i’m a little baffled that someone wouldn’t shave their head for a chance at a million dollars. with that money you could buy a solid gold wig…wait, was it dollars or doll hairs? well, either way you’re in the clear.

  44. Hack/Slash, AvX, Daredevil, Detective, and I’m all outta gum.

    BQ: I only take fictional offers with nicer odds, so my fictional head is staying metal as hell, baby!