Comic Books


The conclusion to Sinestro and Hal Jordan’s invasion of the planet Korugar!

Can these two enemies cooperate long enough to liberate the world from the tyranny of the Sinestro Corps?

Written by GEOFF JOHNS
Variant cover by MIKE CHOI
Variant cover by DOUG MAHNKE

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%


TheHopelessGamer01/12/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. this is starting to lose me, we need to get back to sad-sack, can’t find a job Hal Jordan!

  2. I love this. Making Sinestro a Green Lantern again has really made this one of my favorites of the 52.

  3. Still loving this series being a first time Green Lantern reader

  4. Love it, too!

  5. This has been great but it might be time for a change. A change in status (going back to hal jordan without a job or a new artist; something that changes it up.

    • they just made sinestro the green lantern for sector 2814 in the last few months and you already think that they need to change it up an lil’? something to shake it up a bit?

    • Just goes to prove that fanboys are never happy.

    • Seriously, dude. These first four issues have been about as different from the War of Light as you can get. Everybody begged for a “slice of life, space cop” story and that’s exactly what we got. I think some people are overestimating just how exciting “unemployed Hal” would be.

    • I get that it has changed but i think i was leaning towards an artist change. I love Mahnke but he has been on it for a couple years and it might be time for another big name to draw the book. The comic itself is good but the art might be growing old on me… Thats just me obviously.

  6. Unless the end of the arc wows me, I’ll switch to trade wait and see …

  7. Does anyone know how long Mahnke’s been on this now? I wanna say he jumped in right after the Secret Origin arc following Sinestro Corps War. If I’m right, this is shaping up to be a pretty healthy run. He’s really come along way in terms of linework and storytelling both. I’m glad he’s stayed on after the relaunch.

  8. Dear Geoff Johns, Quit being so AWESOME!!!!

  9. So hard to not look at the preview, but I want to have the last chapter in the arc to be new when I sit and read it. Loving the new 52!

  10. The preview was almost shocking, I thought they were gonna kick Sinestro’s as# for sure!! Not the case forgot that when he creates a ring there is no way they can hurt him. Hal is such bad shape and it is hard to see since for me he is the greatest GL ever!! I think he will come out of it just fine however; it is going to be bumpy. I wanna get back to him having his own ring and having some adventures back on earth by his self. I do like the banter and the tension between Sinestro and Hal right now I just do not like Sinestro being in control treating Hal like a little pet.
    Between the Yellow Lanterns and the Guardians them selves going crazy right now I do not know how the hell the Green Lantern Corps. is going to come out of this one? Looks like we are in for some real deep stories for awhile, I really just wanna see some smaller stories as well and get Hal some rougues on the Earth. I am liking this title very much and it has me on seat every issue and the artwork has been very good!


  11. Very solid conclusion. Excited to see where things go now.

  12. Honestly this is my favorite story I’ve ever read in a GL comic. Sinestro in my opinion is much more interesting than Hal Jordan. I can’t believe people aren’t like this! And those asking for a change? Are you kidding? My God it’s only 5 issues in!!!

  13. Sigh. Five issues in and its the Same old shitty Green lantern comic. I honestly think a huge problem with the concept is the dues ex machina ring they all have. I feel no tension or involvement because every situation is going to be solved by some stupid thing or ray beam coming out of somebody’s hand. It was particularly bad in this issue

    • Did we read the same comic?

    • Really? Destroying a Sinstero power battery by simply placing a green lantern in it was established before it happened? What about the repercussions for the Sinstero corps? the rings sinstero give to everyone ran out of power after a minute expect for Hal’s ring, that worked fine until it didn’t need to anymore.

    • I’m right there with you. After coming back on for the last 5 issues, I’m going to take another break from Green Lantern.

  14. OK, this was pretty great. Sinestro is a great character, full of surprises and a bad ass. You can see why he was such a great GL. He thinks of everything. I was glad Hal spilled his heart to Carol, even though it was a little sappy. My only problem with this was the Guardians seemed out of character at the end, and their dialogue was very cheesy. This was a great arc, Johns really turned the whole thing on its head.

    • Guardians out of character???

    • Well, yeah. They’re supposed to be without emotion again, but they seem all mad and dramatic. And they are supposed to promote order, and with that security and safety, but they’re all “anyone who stands in our way WILL DIE!” I realize the Guardians are pretty much a bunch of pricks, but I haven’t like the way they’re being portrayed of late. They aren’t acting logically.

  15. I’m all on for exploring Hal Jordan as a jobless bum and giving Sinestro back his ring and exploring that. That really interests me. But for some reason I read this issue and after it, I just felt “meh” all over. I felt it was very rushed in parts, the writing wasn’t great in it either. I’m quite disappointed. I enjoy seeing Sinestro as a GL and he can never be trusted, really. I’m gonna stick with it though, I have total faith. All Will be Well 😉

    OH and did anybody else think Hal was going to finally propose to Carol with the now energy-less ring he gets to keep?

  16. One of those weeks where a 4 star book gets POTW from me.

  17. I don’t know what I hate more: The Guardians or Mahnke’s close-ups?! Great issue based on its resolution/or not-so-much resolution (I like that Hal’s not letting Sinestro off the hook). I’m into following Sinestro for a while and seeing where it goes. The ending, in what The Guardians have in mind seems a bit weighty. Whatever though, I’m sure I’ll wind up enjoying it.

    ..Hal’s so gonna ask Carol to marry him.

  18. wrapped up nicely with a bow.
    fuckn’ love the green lantern sinestro.

  19. Not bad, not amazing ether but solid 4 star book and the goodness continues

  20. I truly don’t know what to make of this title. Is the art good? I totally think so. Is the writing interesting? Of course – it’s Geoff Johns. I just wish he could get me to love Hal Jordan.

    • i dont like hal but love this title. go figure.
      sinestro doesnt hurt, love him as well

    • I agree, sitara – Sinestro steals the show (in both film and comic!), I’m always curious to see where he’s going. I just get frustrated now and then by Johns’ formula of concentrating on a hero’s rogues gallery while virtually ignoring the hero.

  21. Hal is still my favorite GL and I will follow him till the end!! Sinestro is such a smooth mother f’er and right now his head is just swelling up issue after issue and I really need Hal to stand up and take his a#% down!! Just a great title story, and artwork are just captivating with each issue!!


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