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Name: Zero Dni


zerodni's Recent Comments
June 24, 2008 9:18 pm My recommendation is Air Gear This is a story about roller blades with the mini electric engines and different teams dual it out to be one time and take over the world. i think Ron would really get a kick out of it.
June 23, 2008 11:22 pm @NealAppeal - As I recall The science police made an appearance in 52
June 23, 2008 1:42 am

I don't think there is such a thing as a good reviewer or a bad reviewer. To me When i look at reviewers I find someone with similar tastes to me and then try what they recommend. The reviewers job to me is to take a chance on a book so i dont have to and let me know if its something i would like.


For Example: I tend to only read comics featuring The Flash but sometimes im willing to read books outside that universe. but because i don't keep up with Indie or Marvel books, im not sure whats good and whats not, thats why i have relied on ron and others that also like The Flash on the site and at the shop to let me know, what i have a beter chance of liking. No one person can tell anyone what is good or what is bad becase tastes are diffrent so you just have to find a reveiewer or person you repect their opinion, that works for you.


Plus, isn't determining if a book is good or not all about exceptions. The cover of the book is so post to convey to reader that this book is in their taste and they might like this book and i think where the creator can fail is ether that the cover lies to the reader and doesn't deliver the story they expected from the cover or the cover doesn't convey there is a story in there i might like and i miss out on a great story.


A Good example of this is the Queen and Country series. The Covers showed me that this was a black and white book(So I'm not surprised when i go to read it expecting color) and was about British intelligence, two things I'm fond of. Then when i heard that Ron liked it too it just proved my point that i would like other things that Ron recommends but by all means doesn't make me follow him blindly the cover has to sell me too. Ron really liked Glamourpuss but I'm sorry im not going to read about fashion models and even if thats not what its about thats what the cover conveyed to me. So i know that book's not for me.


June 19, 2008 10:56 pm I could be wrong but isn't Bart dead in the ground and not in the speed force?
June 18, 2008 8:20 pm I think with this issue i can see The Flash getting back on track.
June 17, 2008 6:56 pm Ron

As someone that has pulled the flash non stop since 1992. I agree i would rather have a bad flash than no flash. I also have a theory that flash my be stuck in continuity hell. Because everybody knows that everything going to change when Barry comes back.
May 28, 2008 11:09 pm 6 omnibi