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Name: Michael Ungaro


ungaro's Recent Comments
November 22, 2010 10:37 pm I don't get why 39 minutes is so far ahead.  I thought 7 Days from Hell was by far the best - the only good one really.
February 8, 2009 1:34 am I thought this was another great issue.  The ending caught me off-guard - I think I had been lulled into a false sense of camarderie!  Now I'm really curious about where this series is going and what kind of tone it's going to have.
February 8, 2009 1:18 am

I couldn't agree more, uberlush.  This is a gorgeous book and a great read - top shelf stuff!

January 15, 2009 1:57 pm I only recently got back into comics after a long time away and have been sampling a wide variety of stuff. I have to say, though, that Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps are already becoming my favorite mainstream superhero books.  The story lines seem much richer and full of exciting possibilities compared to what I'm seeing in many other books.  The writing and art of this issue really resonated with me.  I thought it was great ending to a pretty cool story arc and that Kryb was a spectacular villain.
January 8, 2009 12:01 am This was riviting stuff - pick of the week for sure.