
Name: Steve Malsam



Wow. Amazing Spider-Man has just been top-notch lately, and even more so since issue #600 and the return of Mary…

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In all my months of reading comics, and now starting to review comics, I have never really been drawn to…

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s73v3r's Recent Comments
September 24, 2009 12:20 am

What's the deal with making the Hulks a bunch of rednecks? I admit I haven't actually read the Hulk books before, but that just seemed weird to me.

Aside from that, I got what I expected out of it. It wasn't groundbreaking, it wasn't spectacular, it was Marvel/Wolverine porn. And I enjoyed it, but I think the series could have been just as well ended with the last issue.

August 20, 2009 11:40 pm Well, whenever the Chameleon is around, there's a good bet he's working with terrorists.
December 5, 2008 5:05 pm

"The Skrulls invaded the planet, so suddenly you need to end SHIELD? Tony Stark was the scape-goat for this invasion....Why? Just because he ran to get a new peice of armor, he's suddenly a coward and has to lose his job?"

Stark got fired because he was in charge when this whole thing happened, and he couldn't/didn't prevent it. It is kind of a scape-goat thing, but its not just his actions in this issue, its what happened over the course of the whole event. 

December 4, 2008 10:50 pm I thought they did mention who "he" is in the main Secret Invasion book. Wasn't it right before this big, end battle (like 2 issues ago?) they said that "he" was God? I remember it because it set up the line "Our god has a hammer."
November 25, 2008 12:20 am

Ugh. Rosie Live.


October 19, 2008 3:07 pm @J4K3 Not at all. Steampunk is more of a genre than an actual book. I suppose I should have made that a little more clear in the review.
October 18, 2008 6:56 pm I guess the Ultimate universe is irrelevant in regards to the main, 616 continuity, but that's it. I consider the Ultimate universe as very relevant. I think Ultimate Spiderman is better than Amazing Spiderman right now.