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Name: Ian Raney

Bio: I grew up on Long Island (aka Longuyland),  learned in Michigan, and settled in San Diego.  I've been collecting comics since Justice League Europe #41, which may have led to me collecting  every Justice League comic from  DeMatteis and Giffen's Justice League #1 to Justice League of America #113 (yeah the one with Fire, Blue Devil, Ice Maiden, Nuklon, Obsidian, and the Yazz).  Currently I'm collecting more DC than Marvel but I don't take sides.  I love me some good indie books (Y, Fear Agent, Scalped), but I'm usually late to the party and end up picking up the first trade.  I'm not one for forums (I don't have time to keep checking back for response!), but glad that i can leave comments here at iFanboy. 


Definitely another solid issue.  It wasn’t as exciting as I was hoping though.  I think this was ruined by the…

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nroa's Recent Comments
May 30, 2008 10:27 am I was about the drop this title when the series was announced canceled.  So I stuck it out and I actually ended up being quite satisfied.  I think in 25 issues they told a nice complete story about a bunch of characters and the story all came together in the end.  Sure it was canceled, but I think it succeeded in telling a good 25 issue story arc.
May 30, 2008 10:25 am Good choice sir!  I had chills at the end as well.  Before reading this, I thought "This should be ok.  But how good could it be?  They already spoiled the ending."  Well every one of your points was true and this was definitinely the pick of the week.

2nd place?  I think Action Comics was a really cool Toyman story and All Star Superman and Green Lantern were more of the same goodness they've been delivering.
May 28, 2008 10:26 am I'm dropping checkmate because Rucka left...for the same reasons:  I have too many books!  I wish I could drop Ultimate X-men, but the collector in me wants to get to 100 (I also have a feeling it will be canceled then...).  If I could pick two books for you to drop ( I voted for Checkmate), the second would be Cable.  What a let down.  I feel like the whole baby thing is just to get us to read Cable.  Can't really comment on Black Summer and I feel like it'll be hard to drop Hulk before you find out who Red Hulk is.

I'm currently doing some culling myself to make way for a few new books.  Dropping: Blue Beetle (sorry but too many books, so loss of the original team is a big incentive), Batman and the Outsiders (I sorta of enjoy this, but I feel like they haven't even finished the first mission...plus there is an upcoming RIP tie in, which I'm not getting), Avengers/Invaders (does it count as dropping if you only get the first issue), Titans (really wanted to like this...but the art makes all the Titans look silly), and Immortal Iron Fist (See blue Beetle)
May 28, 2008 1:50 am Well its on my pull list...but it make have to wait a little because money is a bit tight now.  But its at the top of my must buy soon list.  Josh has me salavating over this book
May 22, 2008 10:50 am So...did the guy in the epilogue kill his mother?  I'm confused.  Did they already reveal who killed her in the last issue and I forgot?? 
May 18, 2008 11:22 pm I thought this was the best issue of the three.  Not that greatest story over all...but nice to see the characters again.
May 12, 2008 9:45 pm Man, I was really excited to see both Batman and Superman are releasing issue 676 this week.  Now I'm not saying this story will be bad, but I really think they missed an opportunity to launch RIP and the new Robinson runs in the same week.  I guess they don't need more attention on RIP, but still it may have been fun.
May 12, 2008 9:43 pm a year or two ago this book would do nothing for me.  But if I can get into Nova, I gotta give these guys a shot.
May 8, 2008 12:31 am @Neb:  Deal, but I still don't have to like it...haha
May 7, 2008 8:24 pm I definitely agree with a bunch of your points.  While I enjoyed the book for what it was (splash pages), I was really ticked when I realized it was 3.99.  I don't think there were any extra pages....so did I pay extra just because its a high profile book?  If so, at least give me a skrull reveal or something (and I mean someone from the actual marvel u...not just the people that just showed up...)