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Name: noni ghazi

Bio: Noni!

noni's Recent Comments
April 7, 2010 10:07 pm Yeah...I already know who THE FLASH is.
April 7, 2010 10:06 pm Bomb...Batman is in good hands, I could see Morrison staying for a long, long time.
April 1, 2010 3:17 pm Cherry Pie buttholes this sucks...how come none of the iFanboy guys are commenting back...yeah I think its a joke playas.
March 31, 2010 11:59 pm Uhh...yeah, this was a really good event. There were only little snags that had to do with story execution and tie-in issues, but on the whole it was pretty bomb. Geoff Johns is a master, Ivan Reis is storyteller supreme--DC is the company whose side you want to be on...Marvel aint got nothin on this!
March 11, 2010 3:50 pm Also my pick of the week...just good batman comics!
March 5, 2010 5:33 pm Morrison was supposed to do something with Wonder Woma, right?
March 3, 2010 3:29 pm Marvel may have more books, but DC has better books. Marvel just likes to capitalize on the success of a big book by making 30 other books under that same line that don't live up. DC is the champion!
March 1, 2010 1:30 pm This is ridiculous. I wanted to start new and afresh, a simple time for avengers in which we could really get ourselves back to the basics, but, nevertheless I am wrong.
February 5, 2010 3:02 pm @Connor, Thanks man...I kinda realized the dire state, but hoped there may have been a hidden goldmine beneath all the rubble.
January 27, 2010 2:23 pm Thanks for answering my question guys...Josh especially for the email I sent. Just wanted to help you guys cover all the bases.