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Name: Dave Jules




What comic nerd hasn’t fantasized about hanging together with his or her best buds (who happen to be super-powered, of…

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njbaritone's Recent Comments
October 10, 2011 5:20 pm So glad the party is on Friday this year! I always have to leave early cuz I work on Sunday morning.
October 6, 2011 11:48 am Also, the fantastic Agent X series written by Gail Simone. Because of the title, I think many people don't realize that it is a Deadpool book.
September 29, 2011 1:34 am Reminds me a little of Tom Scioli's work on Godland.
September 8, 2011 11:39 pm I'm pretty sure Alex Ross uses Fred McMurray of "My Three Sons" and "Double Indemnity" fame as the model for Captain Marvel because CC Beck, Cap's creator, used him for his original inspiration.
September 7, 2011 2:10 pm Great article, Ryan. I've been trying to get my partner, who is a HS English teacher at an all-boys school to use some sequential storytelling in his class but the problem is that many of the books are either too expensive (Asterios Polyp), have too mature themes (Fun Home, Pride of Baghdad) or off-color language (I Kill Giants, Ex Machina). He would also prefer books that haven't been adapted to other media like Watchmen. I had been reading comics for decades before I read Understanding Comics and it really opened my eyes - especially about the things we take for granted in how the stories are told.
September 5, 2011 3:48 pm Also, I admit, I do get a little "told you so" joy when a book i enjoy like "HULK" which had so much hate directed towards it, is discovered to actually be a lot of fun to read.
September 5, 2011 3:32 pm Thanks for this, Jim. I've been tossing around in my head a letter to the iFanboys on just this topic for a while now, but you've said it much better than I could. It is so frustrating to me when someone dislikes a book that I love - even though I know everyone's taste is different. And its even more frustrating on the show, because sometimes I feel people get discouraged from trying something after it is panned. Also, I think there would be a good parallel article on the frustration of recommending a great book to someone who just isn't interested in even trying it.
August 29, 2011 5:03 pm Unfortunately, you know as soon as anything experimental happens, the outcry from the fanbase is ridiculous. My biggest gripe is the hypocrisy of those who cry out for something new, yet are the first ones to complain when their comics aren't evoking the same feeling they had when they were 12.
August 29, 2011 5:00 pm I'm wondering, Josh, how you and the other iFanboys' reactions to all this hubbub has changed now that you have more familiarity with the creators on a personal basis. For me, it all seems so childish and petty, but do you find you have more or less sympathy with them since now you know a little more about the creators as human beings and not just as names on a page? Wow that's written awkwardly. Sorry.
August 29, 2011 4:37 pm I'm not sure why, but I never cared much for the whole "Clark learning to use his powers" thing. I tried to watch Smallville, too, and just couldn't get into it. Since Grant Morrison is about 50/50 with me, I think I'll wait on Action Comics. If the iFanboys are really loving it after a few months, maybe this will be my first foray into digital comics, after the price has come down a bit.