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Name: Molly McIsaac

Bio: I am a 12 year old boy stuck in the body of a 20 something woman. My apartment is full of action figures and long boxes, and my video game collection frequently topples under the weight of itself. I see most of my life through a lens, and the things I can't document with my camera (you know, like my brain) is churned out into constant verbose chatter.

mollymcisaac's Recent Comments
September 30, 2010 3:07 am

I am a terrified little Seattle-ite who has never taken the Subway.

If I can't make my own website's party due to my quaking like a leaf, I'm going to be pissed.

September 23, 2010 7:40 pm @Magnus, I would love to see someone effectively cosplay Conor.
July 15, 2010 5:09 am Truefact that the photograph of me only perpetuates: I don't actually have a mouth.
June 29, 2010 8:57 pm @conor, Whatevs! Leather jackets are TOTALLY in right now.
June 29, 2010 8:53 pm I kind of really like it, especially her feet gauntlet thingies.
June 22, 2010 6:29 pm

@akamuu, I agree! There SHOULD be more women writing about comics, both on ifanboy.com and other websites. That is definitely something I will not argue with.

However, I'm not a one trick pony, either. Talk Nerdy to Me happens once every two months. Other than that I'm talking about comic books or manga. I don't write about the more "comic-y" things not because I have no opinion or I'm only a casual reader, but because ifanboy already has other wonderful writers who cover these things. 

June 22, 2010 6:10 pm

@akamuu, You should check out my other articles. =D They ARE about the writing.

Besides, not wearing pants is awesome.

May 18, 2010 4:13 pm I would never say what someoe can or cannot do, these are merely suggestions. It is something I hear cosplayers bitch about constantly [the body thing] as like it or not that is part of the whole package of presenting yourself as accurately as the character. I have NO QUALMS about people looking the way they feel comfortable with; I am a raging feminist for gods sake. But, my belief in cosplay is the same with other sorts of fashion: different body types can support different looks. There is nothing wrong with this as I find all people beautiful, and this was all I was trying to illustrate. I just believe that if you are going to cosplay, don't half ass it. Find a character that suits you in more ways than one. That is what it is about, to me and many, many cosplayers I know.
May 18, 2010 1:43 pm @stuclach; Don't worry, I will be taking PILES of photos at SDCC this year, and ifanboy will see the results <3