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Name: Molly McIsaac

Bio: I am a 12 year old boy stuck in the body of a 20 something woman. My apartment is full of action figures and long boxes, and my video game collection frequently topples under the weight of itself. I see most of my life through a lens, and the things I can't document with my camera (you know, like my brain) is churned out into constant verbose chatter.

mollymcisaac's Recent Comments
February 23, 2012 6:27 pm I have a few points I'd like to add: 1) Thank you so much for everyone's input so far. I really enjoy generating discussion like this. 2) For critiques on the photos I chose of myself: I was waiting for that. You know that "she was asking for it" defense against girls who wear short skirts and get raped? Check yourself. I'm allowed to wear what I damn well please as long as *I* am comfortable with it. I cosplay for myself and my own satisfaction, not anyone else's. It's not my fault that most females in superhero comics are wearing next to nothing. Knockout is badass empowered woman, that's why I chose to post a picture of me cosplaying her. It seemed relevant and appropriate to the subject matter at hand. 3) Those of you trying to justify the behavior of the guy in the comics shop: He was not being cruel, or rude. He was genuinely surprised that me, a girl, knew my stuff. Did he approach any of the men milling about to tell them about characters or make comments on their knowledge? No. But this is an example I chose to use to fuel my rant because it happened recently. Over the years I have had DOZENS of experiences like this: I've been shown to the Twilight manga before opening my mouth; when selling used comics to a comic heavy book store I was asked if they were my boyfriend's and if he knew I was selling them; I get asked aggressive questions in comic shops that are used to test my actual knowledge of things (much like a certain comment above - a lot of useless trivia questions that come out of the blue just to make sure I know what I'm actually talking about). I've been met with scorn and dismay. I know the difference between social awkwardness and misogyny, and it's really sad how often I run into the latter. I know several women who stopped GOING to comic shops because of the attitude they experienced there, and instead read all of their comics digitally or order online. I'm not saying all guys treat girl geeks like this, but I think a lot of you don't realize you do because we still are the lower percentile. I merely wrote this article to spread awareness of yourself and others.
February 16, 2012 5:07 pm Other couples who didn't make the cut (I had to stick to just 10 cos this list would have just been insane): Daredevil and Elektra Gambit and Rogue Wolvie and Jean Grey Polaris and Havok Mockingbird and Hawkeye She-hulk/anyone
November 11, 2011 3:59 am Thanks for all the positive comments about my costume, you guys! I wish I would have gotten a full body but I was in a huge rush to get out the door. I also hated my arm "bullets" - I made them out of dowels and they were breaking all night. At least I know what to do to make it better next time! M.O.D.O.G. made me laugh so hard I cried. Best thing ever.
October 27, 2011 6:43 am Also, that staff photo of us is so awesome. I want to frame it and hang it on my wall.
October 27, 2011 6:43 am ALI, come to Emerald City next year! You can stay at my house!
September 8, 2011 8:13 pm @Walter, I don't have very big boobs at all but I don't let that hold me back. I have become a master at stuffing. I gave myself three cup sizes for Knockout during San Diego Comic-con. Good cosplayers know how to alter their appearances that way =D
February 1, 2011 3:36 pm I do that too! I think I started the whole movement YEAARSSS ago.
My polyvore account: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=196381
January 27, 2011 4:34 pm Hipsters are surprisingly well dressed.
January 14, 2011 9:29 pm I want to go to Dragon*Con SO BADLY, but it usually contradicts with PAX. Also my schedule this year is madness; I have conventions in Australia, the UK, France, and Poland. WHAT.
January 7, 2011 1:23 am @Jesse1125, that's Andrea Letamendi, aka "ArkhamAsylumDoc". She's a mega Star Wars geek and a professor!