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Name: Angela Hoyt


looski's Recent Comments
July 20, 2012 4:34 am So I watched the 3 movie marathon. I have to say... its a good movie, but in my eyes not as good as TDK. As far as a villain, I feel Ledger's Joker was more worthy than Hardy's Bane. It was a little slower in pace, but I never felt like I was drifting. I loved seeing Selena! I personally wanted a tad more tease-ness in the part, but overall I thought it was great. My one gripe is... Blake who? There have been 5 standard Robins... and they made one up? Thought his character was good until the Robin part. Was he based on Tim Drake? Seems a little more detective like and less action.
June 15, 2012 11:15 am I love "thing vs. Silver surfer". Perspective is amazing. The rogue and dark phoenix is pretty funny. And noto drawing mca! Amazing. Strong week to say the least.
June 3, 2011 1:06 pm I want that DC Rockers so badly!
April 29, 2011 7:47 pm ooooo sexiness.  I want..... Tank Girl!
March 22, 2011 1:35 am This makes me so excited.  I kept buying a daredevil comic in hopes it was good that week, but alas... I usually didn't finish them.  Shadowland was really bad.  I have faith in Waid!
March 22, 2011 1:32 am I'm so behind on books right now its embarassing.  I'm traveling too much and have been going digital the past couple of months.  I need an ipad, Its a pain to read on a laptop!

BQ: Moving between Upstate NY (Saratoga Springs to be exact) and Orlando FL.  Working in NY, interviewing in FL.  Gotta love it!

Need money for that comic reader I mean Ipad
November 29, 2010 8:22 pm

I've been wanting to read this book.  It looks like there is a trade every 5 issues, so would it be safe to pick this one up?  I cant find where this current story line ends.