C2E2 2011: Your New DAREDEVIL Writer Is…Mark Waid!

Mark Waid has signed a deal with the Devil. Or a deal to write his adventures anyway. 


Marvel confirmed rumors tonight that the veteran superhero scribe is returning to the Marvel Universe to join Big Shots Brian Michael Bendis (Moon Knight) and Greg Rucka (Punisher) to revitalize an iconic character. His mission? To see Matt Murdock through a period of penance and return him to his former glory in the pages of Daredevil

And it's gonna look pretty. Artists Paolo Rivera and Marcos Martin will tag team the interior art on this one. 

"An all-new era for Matt Murdock begins here, as he returns to New York to reclaim his life and the mantle of Daredevil! But for a man who’s suspected of being Daredevil—and of the actions in Shadowland—how can he possibly become a lawyer again? Will the super heroes of New York accept that Matt is a hero they can once again trust? One thing’s for sure- Murdock is back to protect the city he loves and he’s jumping head first into danger, because there’s nowhere else he’d rather be!"

I love that one of the concerns is, "Can he get his law degree back after leading a demonic shadow dojo in New York?!" 

But what's most exciting is that after like ten years of exploration into the character's noirish attributes, we might be looking at a return to his swashbuckling roots. At least that's what I'm getting from the art. Daredevil will never be so fancy free as Spider-Man (though the most recent issue of ASM does skew a little bleak), but this might be just the shot in the arm Matt Murdock sorely needs. And by that I mean a B12 shot, not heroin. 

Marvel also sent us this image, featuring a Daredevil collaboration between Marcos Martin and writer Fred Van Lente. Just to give an idea of what this new book might look like. 


Look for a new Daredevil #1 in July. 


  1. pretty

  2. IN!!!!

  3. I don’t read Daredevil but I love Martin and Waid so this just might replace REBELS on my pull list.

  4. i’ve been waiting for Daredevil to get good again…

  5. I’ll follow Martin to pretty much any title, but I am quite pleased to have an interest in Daredevil again. Waid is a great choice.

  6. I’m glad to hear they’re actually picking up the pieces of the last series. Matt’s always been one of my favorite characters and the last year or two have been abysmal. Now if they could only bring back the yellow costume…


  8. I cannot wait to see more Marcos Martin Daredevil pages. and has Rivera done a lot of interiors? I can only recall cover images he’s done.

  9. Very interesting. I prefer Daredevi as a Noir/Hard boiled superhero but I will defintiely give this a shot.

  10. I’ve been loving everything else Mark Waid has been doing lately (Irredeemable, Incorruptible, The Traveler, and the assorted Marvel work), so I’m excited to see this.  As an actual lawyer, I’m nervous about them approaching the law stuff, as every writer other than Bendis has done a really atrocious job with it.  I know it won’t be (and shouldn’t be) totally true to life, but I recall early in Diggle’s run he had some scenario where a judge who was one of Norman Osborn’s cronies threw out a not guilty verdict that Murdock got for his client to insert his own guilty verdict instead, which, even in a world where Norman Osborn is in charge, is totally preposterous.  Basically, I’d really like to see an arc where Matt is stuck doing doc review in a warehouse in Ithaca for 6 months.  That would be totally badass.

  11. Sweet.

  12. Pretty meh about Waid writing it, but Marcos Martin artwork is a strong draw.

  13. Hooray!!! Daredevil shall be re-appearing on my pull list very soon.

  14. I hope this means that Martin will be leaving Spider-Man but I don’t see him doing two ongoing titles.

  15. i think we can all agree that it’s been a fucking tough decade for matt murdock so if waid is going given him some sunshine, it will be a nice change for sure.

    but like in a year we’ll definitely need to have someone close to him die and have his personal life destroyed. it’s the necessary cycle.

  16. …and when this goes back the grit and darkness, it’s jason aaron or bust I SWEAR TO GOD!

  17. Man, I will miss Martin on ASM.

  18. This looks like it’s going to be silly pretty. Not sure if I’ll buy in issues though…

    Also, Murdock happy? That’ll be the day.

  19. Color me excited!

  20. I’ll give it a shot.

  21. Finally I can read it again?! Yay.

  22. i really need to read before i pass judgement

  23. @TheNextChampion  Oddly enough, Matt Murdoch used to be a fairly happy character back in the day. They really put him through the wringer the last decade or so, but he wasn’t always the insanely depressed super-hero he is today.

    Mark Waid is one of the best comic writers of all time. Daredevil is one of my Top 5 favorite characters ever. I have to buy this one. Throw in Marcos Martin as one of the artists? Comic heaven!

  24. @edward  I wish more people did that.

  25. I was so close to just givng up on Daredevil altogether. Last-minute save!

  26. Martin and Paulido on Daredevil.  And Mark Waid is wriring?  As a huge DD fan, I might just lose my shit on this one.  Way excited.

  27. This seems as good a place as any to add that I actually like the “moody” Daredevil. Refreshing change from heroes who always bounce back immediately after personal crises. I’m still looking forward to whatever this creative team brings though.

  28. Whats with the cheesy grin on the top picture? DD looks like a game show host or a politician

  29. I may be evil for saying this, but I prefer Matt to be miserable, its more entertaining to me.

  30. Sad to see Marcos Martin off of ASM. But glad to see him get more regular work. Him along with Rivera make this book a lot more appealing than I imagined it would be.

  31. i am super excited for this in in in!

  32. Marvel usually starts “up and comers” on “Daredevil” and “Punisher,” but Waid and Rucka are well-established and proven talents.  I guess when you leave Marvel and come back, you have to start at the bottom again.  Waid and Rucka are going to have to work their way up to where Nick Spencer is, I suppose.

  33. Looks rad I’m back in.

  34. At first I wasn’t thrilled about Mark Waid on Daredevil since he is more into the fun and colorful superhero stuff, and thats fine, but its not what I want from Daredevil. I prefer Daredevil to be gritty noir and street level, but as I think about it, I think this might be a great return to early days of Frank Millers run, or Anna Nocentis run as well. Plus the artwork looks great, so FINALLY I will be able to read Daredevil again since Diggle wasted no time running one of my favorite characters into the ground.

  35. @Invasionforce  While historically your comment is true about the “up and comers” being on daredevil and Punisher, these titles are part of the “Big shots” campaign, where established, star creative teams are taking over 2nd tier characters that Marvel wants to try to elevate to the major leagues. That’s why they have Waid and Rucka on those books, with Bendis on Moon Knight.

  36. @JohnVFerrigno  @DarkKnightDetective  

    I personally loved Carl Kessel and Cary Nord’s run on Daredevil that got cut short for Kevin Smith’s Catholicman which was exciting at the time, but they had such a great mix of fun and serious for DD and Smith’s run was so self serious and lugubrious! 

  37. sign me up

  38. daredevil is THE best upside down baton thrower, and he does blind!

    seriously, though, i like my Daredevil to be steeped in crime/noir/pschological/thriller/suspense drama, like Bendis & Bru’s Daredevil.  NOT Diggle Daredevil.  I put a lot of this on the editor by the name of Stephen Wacker.

  39. I’ll try only because I’m a big daredevil fan, and have been looking for any excuse to pick the book up again. Dropped it completely after Shadowland.

  40. This makes me so excited.  I kept buying a daredevil comic in hopes it was good that week, but alas… I usually didn’t finish them.  Shadowland was really bad.  I have faith in Waid!