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Name: Danny Johansen


iDan's Recent Comments
February 2, 2010 10:00 pm

So... it wasn't too bad. I enjoyed it. I agree with your review. The animation was fairly strong and I thought the voice acting was done well too. The action sequence were done well, Spaniard, I mean Hulk really made  short work of everyone. I thought they could've extended those scenes a little more. But in the end, I did enjoy the movie. I think Marvel's animated movies are coming along, personally, the DC Animated Universe still has the edge but that's not to say i do not enjoy Marvel's work. Planet Hulk and Hulk Vs are two movies I know I'll be watching over again. The preview to Marvel's next animated movie, Thor, shows potential and imo continues to show Marvel moving in the right direction... although 2011 seems like a looong time from now. 

Nice review, Conor.

Now, bring on Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths! 


February 2, 2010 7:44 pm @Conor: No thanks. I wasn't sure if others from iFanboy were going to share their opinion as well in an audio podcast as you did with other movies. Keep up the great work. Thanks for the quick response. 
February 2, 2010 7:39 pm @ Conor - forgive me if this was written in the review, I'll read it after I watch the movie, but will there be an audio podcast review as well? I enjoy/respect iFanboy's opinions. Either way, thanks for the lengthy review. Looking forward to reading it shortly. Now, off to the move. :)
February 2, 2010 7:30 pm I just picked it up. I'm looking forward to reading your review and sharing my opinions after. I'm one of the few Hulk fans (or so it seems) in the iFanbase. 
January 31, 2010 6:50 pm

@Aalbatr0ss - I'm with you. I think Luthor is going to kill Larfleeze... which wouldn't bother me. 

@Simon and @NathanNicdao - agreed. 

January 16, 2010 1:12 pm The art in this book is painful. To each their own, but I can't stand it. I feel bad, I do. Ariel Olivetti has a lot of talent... but please leave my Hulk alone. Not for this book. 
January 10, 2010 7:37 pm LCS tomorrow... I have skipped all comments/reviews/podcasts. After work tomorrow looking forward to picking this up and sharing comments with iFanboy and listening to this weeks podcast. 
January 9, 2010 6:58 pm Never heard of her. Hot chick in movie, check. I heard the filming was rumored to start in March in New Orleans.  
January 3, 2010 7:06 pm Looking forward to catching up on Invincible. It's been a while since I picked my books up at my LCS... the bill wasn't too high. :) I'm going to go through some back issues to refresh and jump back in. Love Kirkman... sad to see Wolf-man go though.
October 29, 2009 11:03 am


Best of the Week in Cover... imho 

Arkham Reborn #1 (of 3)

Ambush Bug Year None #7 (of 6)