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Name: Ian Crabb

Bio: I am a man from the Isle of Brit, with eyes and other parts, and interests I deem as "some".

eyun's Recent Comments
May 18, 2009 7:07 am

I can see where Jake's coming from, though I totally get what Conor's saying. It normally doesn't bother me, as you can't expect an "Incredible Hulk" 20-min long fight in a TV show. But I agree with Jake in that, it wasn't the length of the fight, it was how it ended. I didn't actually know the fight was over until it cut to the 'next day' scene.

However, I think the point of the finale was the Jimmy/Davis fight, which was actually a lot more interesting, and had a lot more emotional reasonance (for me, anyway).

Overall, I thought this was a great season. Lagged a bit in the second 3rd (re: all eps that Lana was back), but all things considered it was a breath of fresh air. All the new characters were well done and it took some brave and interesting turns. The best part, for me, was the Lois and Clark moments. I wasn't expecting Welling and Durance to have chemistry that good, but it was a welcome surprise and I hope we get more of that.

I was against an 8th season, but I'd say they proved me wrong.

May 10, 2009 7:18 pm

Just got back from seeing it.

Wow! They nailed it. The most fun I've had watching a movie in years. Is it perfect? Probably not. But I had so much damn fun watching this I didn't even think about that.

The cast was perfect. Chris Pine did a great job as Kirk, and Karl Urban was the total embodiment of Bones. No one was doing an impression, but everyone got the spirit of the characters just right.

The story was compelling, a complete ride. It was fun, exciting and silly in places. Even the story, the time travel element, worked brilliantly as it made more sense than I thought it would.

My only minor gripe was Simon Pegg, and I say that as a Brit who's been a fan of his since 'Spaced' first aired here in the UK. I love Simon, and I think he's a terrific actor with amazing comic timing. But it just seemed like his lines were the 'funny Simon Pegg lines' rather than Scotty as a character. I have no problem with him being in this as the comic relief, but I suppose I wasn't expecting the rest of the film, before he appeared, to be so damn funny and entertaining. So when we got to him, I just thought we didn't need him as comic relief. The film's funny anyway, just let him be Scotty.

Other than that, I have no bad words. I went to see this with 3 friends; one is a comic book guy who doesn't really know Trek, the others were 2 girls who don't read comics and hate sci-fi. Everyone loved it. The word most used after was "fun". We all just had a great time watching this.

Walked out of the theatre, went straight to the box office to book tickets for next weekend. And I plan to go many more times after that.

May 1, 2009 9:44 am

Really? Drusilla? Could be interesting. This book's been treading water for a while, truth be told I'm only still buying in issues out of loyalty.

Looking forward to Lynch and Urru getting back on board.

May 1, 2009 9:39 am I'm really not fussed about seeing this in theatres. I've avoided most reviews, and the leaked version.  The trailer just didn't do much for me. I'll see it on DVD when it's out. More excited about Star Trek.
April 24, 2009 2:40 pm @James - iVerse on the iPhone is really worth checking out, as Josh said. I've stated before that I hate reading comics off a screen, and still prefer the paper format by miles. But the iVerse format is really user-friendly and works pretty well. I'm currently reading Proof on the phone, and the current UK rate is 59p an issue which is pretty cheap.
April 21, 2009 9:58 am D5 may have replaced Buffy and Lantern as the book I most look forward to every month. This book can do no wrong!
April 21, 2009 9:56 am

Fairly big week for me; Angel, Battle for the Cowl: Arkham, Detective, Dynamo 5, Kick-Ass, and I'm gonna treat myself to the Hack Slash omnibus.

April 20, 2009 8:35 am I meant absolutely no disrespect to Josh by my comment comparing him to Fraction, apologies if it came off that way. It was actually meant as a compliment as Fraction was a damn funny guy. Again, sorry if it came across the wrong way.
April 19, 2009 9:21 pm

GORDON: THE RETURN! Where you been, dude?

Awesome show, Bendis seems like like the nicest guy.

BTW, that wasn't Fraction. It was Josh in an ill-conceived wig ;)

April 15, 2009 9:52 am That cover needs to be a poster. And framed. And on my wall.