
Name: Christopher Cabanillas


crcomics's Recent Comments
June 25, 2013 12:20 am Of all the Snyder I've read in the last month (there's been quite a bit and I am a fan) this is the one I'm most intrigued by and anxious to continue reading.
June 25, 2013 12:18 am This is the only title I read that has "Wolverine" in the name. I'd be super happy if they can keep the cast limited and the arcs short.
June 25, 2013 12:16 am I really liked the first issue, even though I was totally out of my depth as to what was going on. I can only name a few X-Men just from seeing them so there were times when I kept wishing someone would say "hey, NAMEOFPERSON" So I could say, "ooooh right... her." That said, it was certainly a fair mix of "things are happening" and "people are talking about things". So, I may stick with it.
June 24, 2013 11:43 pm This sounds like a win win to me. Boom gets some IP and some talent, Archaia gets on more shelves.
June 20, 2013 2:16 am I've a feeling that if you haven't been reading Hulk (for shame) this arc is where you want to get in. I'll offer that the arc just prior was primarily about seeing Simonson draw Thor and Hulk. That entire arc was worth it just for "Hulk...Worthy!" This one, Daredevil, the bar... "Gentlemen... a word." Also, it's always nice to meet the members of the Marvel U that can hold some sway with the big green guy. Also, Maria Hill will never be paid enough.
June 18, 2013 12:30 am Are you trying to jinx Supergirl? Asrar has been killing it on Supergirl since day one.
June 12, 2013 11:59 pm I read this prior to reading Zero Year and Superman Unchained. I saved my Snyder for last because it could wait and simmer. As I closed Thor I said out loud, "gonna be tough to beat this for pick of the week, Scott." Jason Aaron is so lyrical with this narrative, so much poetry especially as he wraps up the issue. So so so good. If you somehow had managed not to heed the clamoring the last 8 times someone has said you need to be reading Thor might I suggest your cynicism has lead you astray.
May 16, 2013 12:41 am I picked this up not knowing anything about Corben. Poe got me to flip through the issue in the shop. Corben's art got me to buy it. The short run guarantees I'll pick up ish 2.
May 14, 2013 11:17 pm She's only done two arcs but I found both to be fun "grab some Avengers and have an adventure" stories. KSD writes laugh out loud dialogue. Her plotlines are never so convoluted that I need to read something three times to figure it out. And I never feel like she's being dishonest with her cast. When Capt. America shows up he acts the way I expect him to. Same goes for Hulk or Thor or Black Widow. Eventually folks will just start discounting me as a KSD fanboy but she writes the kind of comic I want to read. She may very well be writing the kind of comic you want too.
May 14, 2013 2:40 pm Best thing about this book, especially for new/returning readers is that Sam Alexander has no clue what's going on either. The first time he meets the Watcher, who I honestly know very little about, was hilarious, the "pointer on the moon". Such a fun book.