
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
March 30, 2012 1:21 pm How could the DD cover NOT be up here
March 29, 2012 9:14 pm damn it! Okay Ultron is an
March 29, 2012 9:13 pm Thanks Conor! :-) Also I didn't think Pym ever built Vision. Unless Ultron is using the Pym name. Which he is known to do
March 29, 2012 7:15 pm meh Stark is an odd man.
March 29, 2012 6:50 pm Knew that Reed/Hulk pic would have to be here. But damn Manapul is doing amazing things in Flash. Every time you feature it I wish I wasn't a penniless student cos I so want that. I mean I had to find 'The Flash' on that spread and that alone showed me a level of detail and craftsmanship that should just be a rule when it comes to drawing comics
March 27, 2012 6:46 pm Never read that. Though to be really honest I feel this type of story would have been told better directly after Civil War. Right at the point where he is an Avenger but his relationships are strained and he has publically unmasked. That felt like a very, very different more mature, more stretched Peter in a very different sort of world. Since OMD the push to revert him more to the classic Pete (which has paid off and is not really the issue) however it feels like having 16 year old Peter meeting him wouldn't have the same contrast. That said I'm pretty sure 16 year old Peter had big wide eyed dreams being the science nerd he is. Has Spider-Man cured any diseases? Or is he still living in a rundown apartment (metaphorically if not literally). He is still very much teen Pete for marketing purposes and that would be interesting to acknowledge for story purposes. What happens if he finds out about Gwen and Mary? The story would obviously need to end in a mindwipe to avoid paradoxes obviously. Its the way these things go. I want this to happen a lot now.
March 27, 2012 2:23 pm CaseyJustice: Yes please! And you know that would make a lot of sense too. I mean it would be a genuinely interesting story. Did 16 year old Pete ever believe he'd be a fully fledged Avenger? And would it suck knowing his life more or less stayed the same? I'd read the heck outta that.
March 27, 2012 9:58 am Genius I think was excluded from the 'mental powers' statement. I mean he is human just a very bright one. In most incarnations that is
March 27, 2012 8:10 am This is a lame way to start a statement but....I one wrote a fan-fic (see) and I introduced an idea which having written it I realised kinda made sense and is now my personal theory on why Batman does that kind of thing. Through training he subconsciously stores the will power for a final assault. We all have adrenaline and it gives us this final push but Batman has mastered the art of saving the last grain of strength for a final burst of survival right at the point of death. So when you think he is down for the count he calls on those reserves that through focus and meditation he has suppressed (without knowing) and can burst back. He doesn't use all he has in a fight no matter how it looks. He even thinks he does but deep down some part of him automatically says 'you're gonna want to open a can of whoop-ass later so we're gonna keep a spare one down in this cupboard full of cans'. His mind and his training are his superpowers. Just the way the guy rolls. Also its a good and semi-plausible get-out-of-jail-free card for a writer.