
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
July 4, 2012 6:08 am Alex Ross/Ultimate cartoon Spidey actually kinda works as an in house design. I like. I do really like that look for Cap although making it BUSIER than his Ultimate look seems like a lot of effort for the artists (though since they are changing his Ultimate costume I like that we still get to see a variant of it in 616). That said they simplified Iron Man (for how long?) so I guess they balanced out the work load. Gotta say I like Thor without and a cape and the new helmet and all but it does seem overly accesorised and slightly 90's ish. Straps and big swords etc. Still I want to see it in action before i decide. Cyke makes me think of the Manga costume he wore and i always thought the non-strip visor was a cool design idea. A massive 'X' makes a hell of a lot of sense. Not sure bout the red though.
July 3, 2012 4:26 pm Hilariously spot on. I mean that's exactly what Johnny would do. I mean the forgetting his lines and shouting flame on is just perfect. I'd love to see the actor aspect of him played more in comics directly in line with what is written above. I'd read the hell outta that book
July 3, 2012 10:46 am Think Spider-Ham and Spider-Boy suggest not. I think its more of a list of Spider-Man esque parody/homage/emulators.
July 3, 2012 10:26 am Why is it meant to be fair and unbiased. How in any possible way could anything ever written be interpretated as anything but opinion and bias. Which is fine. I'm not saying I agree with the list but, to paraphrase a...phrase, 'poorly worded and badly executed sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'. So yeah I wouldn't have minded seeing Ben but I'd put him at number 5.
July 3, 2012 5:07 am Exact same reaction. Until I enlarge the pic I thought the teeth were a smudge or flare or something on a poor quality scan of the image or something weird. When blown up big it really hits how creepy this will be. I kinda don't want to know what he'll look like.....but obviously I do.
June 8, 2012 5:37 pm I really like both. Just saying. I don't think they are innately bad. However you can't disagree that they sell. Or did. These days? I don't think either do as well as they did maybe a couple years back.
June 3, 2012 11:49 am Only thing I dislike is the thing I always dislike about seeing Speedsters in animation or live action: so slow. I want to see a shimmer and then move slightly to the left and them imply they just ran around the world. I don't mind a blur if it dissipates quickly but I hate when you can watch Flash run and seeing the actual motions. That should only be possible when it is all shown in slow motion and then he should be allowed to move at the speed he does in the cartoon now. He should be super quick when everything stands still so you get a real idea of how fast he is. But thats just me.
June 3, 2012 11:46 am I adored this episode. Its just a show that is consistently great. The time jump felt a little rough at first (just cos I was loving the established status quo so much) but it really didn't take long to get to love it! Was I the only person who wanted (and partly suspected-wrongly) that one of the ninja guards might be Connor Hawke? Hope he shows up at some point.
May 22, 2012 1:28 pm A ew. Shatterstar and Rictor spring to mind. Anole and Greymalkin. Help me out folks
May 16, 2012 4:51 pm Yeah good call lol maybe I'm just bitter