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Name: Steve Marusich



The Young Avengers has, up until this issue, been kind of a disappointment. This issue was excellent. The art was…

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Why I didn’t end up buying this comic: I’ve decided to put some faith in the iFanboy community. I’ve realized…

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SteveM's Recent Comments
November 13, 2008 11:01 pm "Sigh".  I just watched it, so I missed all the fun w/you guys, but it was a great episode, not matter what any 18 year-olds think.
November 12, 2008 11:26 pm Dazzler is pretty cool, but I can't get on board with Longshot.  I was hoping she and Juggernaut would become a couple in New Excaliber.  Like was said earleur, i hate Mojo and all things related to that.
November 11, 2008 5:04 pm

Cyclops is a totally awesome character--way before Whedon got a hold of him [though he did a great job with him].  He is the x-men equivalent of Captain America [Steve Rogers-the real Cap].  He also ALWAYS speaks with he voice he had in the cartoon in the early 90's.


November 10, 2008 4:40 pm Sonia, your articles on guys you want to get it on with in comics now makes a lot of sense!
November 7, 2008 5:58 pm That is a good call on Spider-man loves MJ, Conor.  The first run by McKeever and Co. were gold, and ever since then it has been lackluster--not awful--but just not good.  the art is blah and the writing is too, which is surprising because Moore has been writing in that relationship vein for a while.  McKeever was just so great and so was the original Tak/Strain art team.
November 7, 2008 5:52 pm

Dude, this thing was way better than you are giving it here.  It may suck in the next few issues, but this was a good start to an arc.  Seriously, is there anything out there you don't hate--I'm really not trying to be a dick.  Just seems like you have a lot of anger.

I would gurantee that Loeb does notsecretly think his stuff is crap [Because I like to think subconciously that Loeb knows his stories are ****].  Loeb, I would guess, thinks he is telling a good story.  He gets good artists because he has the cred to demand them.  I didn't like Ultimates 3 either, but you have to judge this on its own merits and this was good for a first issue.

November 7, 2008 2:36 pm I hated Ult. 3 but this was good.  It may not deliver in the next few months, but this was a solid opening and fantastic art.  Kind of ruins the current USM arc though as Gwen is back and seen fully functional...
November 3, 2008 10:46 pm MORE Wolverine origins crap--this has been done to death!
November 3, 2008 12:56 am

Good show, guys.

@nextchamp: I talked 100 people [this is not an exaggeration] into going to a opening day showing of Phantom Menance.  Several of us camped out to get tickets.  I was 6 when I first saw the original in the movie theater in 1977--my older brother had to read the opening to me.  I freaking owned the Mill-Falcon and every possible toy my parents would buy or let me buy until about age 10 or 11.  My parents took me to every opening day after that in 1980 and 1983.  My wife and I still consider the re-release period of 1997 [while we were engaged] to be one of the highlights of our relationship.  We walked into our reception to "the March of the Imperial Stormtroopers" after jokingly telling everyone we were going to have a Star Wars themed wedding.

Sorry NextC, but no freaking way in hell did your disappointment at 10 match what I was feeling.  Stabbed in the face is a bit of hyperbole, but the defining pop culture event of my generation was destroyed by Jar-Jar and some poop jokes. No kid at age 10 knew what that felt like.

October 30, 2008 8:39 am This was better than all 5 issues of Ultimates 3 combined.