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Name: Naveen Mallikarjuna



NaveenM's Recent Comments
May 28, 2011 1:14 pm @KenOchalek  - It's the industries job to give the customers what they want -- that means retailers, publishers, etc. Don't worry about the industry dying. It will change to mee the customer's habits -- just do what you want to do.

As for me, one of the only reason I buy monthlies is to keep up with the conversation. This is especially true for new books. And I often end up switching to trades at some point.
May 11, 2011 9:20 am 22 expensive episodes is also a lot different from the cable standard of 13.  And Fox doesn't even seem like the type of network to carry Locke & Key, at least without some major changes. Just look at how different Human Target the TV show is from the comics.
May 5, 2011 7:27 pm I usually think of Vertigo as a place for creator-owned work, and I forget that some of these titles are ownd by DC/WB.  For those titles, being part of the DCU is no problem with me, but as interesting as Bruce Wayne in 100 BULLETS might be, I don't see the worlds working together well. But what do I know?
May 5, 2011 10:54 am No Arnold cameo? Awww...

It looks like this film will actually have Conan uttering more than 5 lines of dialogue.  That's at least promising -- I think.
May 1, 2011 3:04 pm One of the best thing about Vertigo is its "vault". There are so many stories I still have to read.

April 24, 2011 9:16 pm Vertigo brought me back into comics. I can't imagine comics without it. And there really is no other publisher or imprint like it.

I've read enough stories about FABLES, Y, and PREACHER being made into television shows that I expect them to hit sooner or later -- I just hope it is soon enough to save the imprint, if that's what it takes.

And I'm heartened by the success of THE WALKING DEAD. It should show WB that non-superhero stories can do well adapted to TV. Course, that' just me -- network execs always seem to think exactly the opposite of how I do.
April 20, 2011 3:48 pm @LondonCraig  - D'Onofrio would be perfect.

Chris, Elba never even occured to me, but he'd be perfect. Not only does he look the part, the dude, can, like, act.
April 7, 2011 5:53 pm I love these images, but that NONPLAYER panel really sticks out.  I'm trying to cut back on my spending but you're not making this easy on me, iFanboy!
March 29, 2011 10:18 am The President of Production for Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, looks at the comic books as story fodder for the films “because it’s a hell of a lot less expensive to take a chance in a comic than it is take a chance in a movie. It’s the cheapest R&D there is, but the best R&D there is.”

Really? Then why don't they spend any money from the film or licensing side to try and keep the publishing side from sinking? I suppose they figure by the time the ever-dwindling number of fanboys shrinks to the point that the publshing wing is no longer profitable, they will have found some other "cheap R&D". Maybe fanfiction?
March 25, 2011 3:04 pm I loved Akira in HS, but, like a lot of people, couldn't really understand why any of it was happening -- it was just crazy!

Based on the casting it looks like they're throughly Anglicizing it.