The Best of the Week in Panels – 04.06.2011

Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed, in panels?


Fear Itself #1

By Matt Frarction, Stuart Immonen, Laura Martin, & Chris Eliopoulos

Thor, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!

— Conor Kilpatrick


Chew #18

By John Layman & Rob Guillory

What's the secret weapon? What's in the box, man?! It was Poyo. And Hell came with him.

— Josh Flanagan


Ultimate Captain America #4

By Jason Aaron, Ron Garney, Jason Keith, & Clayton Cowles

There's nothing funny about taking a hammer to a man's boys. But it is a good way to end a hammer fight.

— Conor Kilpatrick


Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth #2

By Malachai & Ethane Nicolle

It's just nice that a dinosaur so branded as a butt-kicker can find a moment of emotional respite. Also, it's really too bad about Waxta Tutu. There's a real one-two punch thing going on there.

— Josh Flanagan


Brightest Day #23

By Lots of People

This sideways double page spread was the moment that you knew that shit stopped being polite and started getting real.

— Conor Kilpatrick


Avengers: The Children's Crusade #5

By Allan Heinberg, Jim Cheung, Mark Morales, John LIvesay, Dave Meikis, Justin Ponsor, & Cory Petit

I don't care if this book takes two months to come out. If we keep getting insane double page spreads like this from Jim Cheung I'll take it every three months.

— Conor Kilpatrick


Nonplayer #1

By Nate Simpson

In a book full of gorgeous art, this final double page spread perfectly encapsulates the story of Nonplayer: our heroine has escaped her mundane and dreary existence by activating her LifeSkin, she has literally skinned her life to be more beautiful, exciting, and interesting. This is escapism at its most stark and the transition in wonderfully portrayed here.

— Conor Kilpatrick


  1. Whoa nonplayer looks cool I will have to pick that up next week.

  2. Good stuff this week. The Axe Cop panels are hilarious. I love the rhythm of that book. The Ult. Cap panel is pretty badass. I knew that BD panel would squirm its way in here. That one really did grab me by the sack.

  3. Nice Ghostbusters ref. Loved the Nonplayer spread as well. Thats just an epic piece of art. Loved the Swamp thing reveal as well, but as a general rule i just hate when they change the orientation of a spread i.e. going portrait to landscape. its kinda jarring for me and its kinda poor sequential design. 

  4. Pretty much ANY panel from Chew #18 could’ve been panel of the week. In fact, let’s just put the entire book on this article shall we?

    Also, that page of Cap using the hammer on Nuke’s ‘gentlemen’s area’ was pretty groan worthy. Of course a fight ends with a crotch shot and the best thing Aaron could do was make an awful pun to finish it off. 

  5. lol I thought about the same exact line from Ghostbusters when I read that part of the book.

  6. I am shocked that the panel from Annihilators of woodland creatures and mushrooms armed and ready to rescue Groot did not make PotW. This is a gross oversight IMO.

  7. Yep, that Nonplayer panel is gorgeous. It’s the best panel of the week, month, year…

  8. The goldfish using the parachute in Chew was the best thing I’ve seen this week. Although anything in Nonplayer could work. Dammit that book is beautiful.

  9. Wow those are all AMAZING! Except for Chew, I just cant get into that one…

  10. I love these images, but that NONPLAYER panel really sticks out.  I’m trying to cut back on my spending but you’re not making this easy on me, iFanboy!

  11. Damn, reading those Axe Cop panels makes me really regret not picking this up.  I’m looking for it in the shops tomorrow.  And that two page spread in Nonplayer is great, because not only does it look gorgeous, but each page works on its own while still forming a bigger picture.  By far one of the most exciting new comics I’ve read in a while.

  12. how pissed off would you be if you were called Iron Lad?

  13. Cheung wins, just wow

  14. I must agree about Nonplayer. Every page was stunning!

  15. Agree about Chew. Even the mundane stuff was great. “Hey, are all the USDA agents…. And do they are have…. And are they are seemingly extremely well……..? Yes. Yes. And Yes.”

  16. It’s hard to pick a single panel, but the entire page of baseball players fighting vikings in Axe Cop was the funniest page I’ve read in a comic in years. I was laughing out loud more and more with each progressing panel. I am seriously considering looking into buying it as my first page of original art.

  17. That Nonplayer art is stunning! 

  18. I laughed HARD at the demise of Waxa Tutu.

  19. good ultimate cap, but i think the best was the final blow to the face that cap landed was kick-ass., and should haved been in this week panals.

  20. Um, can anyone explain how Stuart Immonen does it.  A book full of panels as gorgeous as the one above…and yet he can do it month after month without getting behind.  Man’s a genius.

  21. How haven’t any panels from Rocket Racoon and Groot not made it in here?!

  22. The Poyo montage in Chew was fantastic.

  23. I’m with Wally, those sudden sideways spreads aren’t my favourite. I can’t see why the artists don’t simply choose a composition for the not-too-dissimilar portrait shape.

    And while I love Jim Cheung’s art to bits, I always wonder where Stature’s body goes after her head and shoulders – is she standing in a hole?

    A great selection of panels, though. That Nonplayer one is especially well-done.

  24. PS @KidCharlemagne, what’s wrong with the name Iron Lad particularly? It’s nowhere near as bad as, say, Night Thrasher.

  25. Shame on you ifanboy!! that militant mushroom panel is annihilaors deserves a place among the list (even more than some of ur dubious choices)

  26. Why am I not reading Axe Cop?  My life is meaningless.