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Name: Zachary Paul

Bio: I like comics, don't you?

Muady's Recent Comments
June 10, 2010 12:00 pm

Why not hand off the reigns to The Flash or GL2 to another capable writer or writing team?  

That is exactly whats going to happen. Those guys are only writing one script. They're writing two treatments, and handing off one of the the scripts for others to write. I suppose that should ease your concern about timeframes.

 Its mostly a matter of which script they intend to write themselves. I would guess GL2 for the sake of consistency in the franchise.

May 17, 2010 10:39 am

I always loved the meaty 12-issue trade. Its a shame that they're so few and far between.  After that, I love the digest sized readers a la Scott Pilgrim and Runaways. But very few artists seem to want to draw in way suited for smaller editions.

I have one Absolute. That was The New Frontier. I had no idea what it was but the cover look so awesome, plus when i looked at the regular trades i found they split it into 2 volumes. I mean, I understand trades that thin when it represents a complete story. . .but such is not the case for The New Frontier. But I digress, I first read the book in Absolute and it still re-read it in Absolute. But I don't know any other Absolute it really need to have. . .

May 11, 2010 8:40 am

Yea, I think you might be jumping the gun a bit, Josh. They're obviously cutting him out from being a team member atm, but that doesn't amount necessarily to RDJ's part (wether he's suited up or not) in The Avengers being reduced to a cameo or a marginal role.

I'm not holding my breath, but it sure doesn't make much sense for Marvel to spearhead this Avengers deal through the Iron Man franchise just to marginalize that franchise's star in the end.

April 26, 2010 11:09 am Harold Bloom is a fine critic when he's working on a positive note, but when he's doing the opposite i've never seen anything fair or thoughtful in his arguments. He always seems like he's squirming to validate his own prejudices when he's like that.
April 13, 2010 7:04 am I'll betcha the licensing and the actual production of the comics caused the overhead to be far more than what Del Rey's manga division to be able to cope with normally. Although I don't know how they deal worked out, but since Del Rey was the one doing the canceling I'd guess that means they were the once shouldering the cost while Marvel reaped royalties.
April 8, 2010 2:39 pm

This was a good read. I see nothing to argue with in the article at all.

Although, all this ipad talk lately. . .the 1.99 pricing point among all else, makes me wonder if Marvel and the rest of the industry genuinely understands exactly to what extent their product is already being digitally pirated. As it stands now, every single comic that Diamond ships every week is on the internet the day it hits shelves(sometimes the day before) or within 5 days. For free. People who want digital comics but do not buy print comics are already obtaining them in this manner. I'm not sure someone interested in getting comics but not buying print copies is going to want to invest in an expensive gadget and then the price of comics themselves as well. Unless the ipad becomes so ubiquitious that the distribution system taps into consumers who aren't already savvy enough on the net to find the free copies, I'm not holding my breath that the ipad will make a difference in the long run.

At the moment I'm inclined to agree with the sentiment that comics will sell more ipads than ipads will sell comics. :-(

March 20, 2010 9:07 pm

Look! Its my school! On iFanboy! Well, my alma mater now.

I didn't know this was mentioned last year too. 

March 19, 2010 12:33 pm

Hehe, i didn't laugh til I saw dog farts. Otherwise its the nicest HP fanart I've ever seen (not meaning to imply I'm connoisseur of such things. . . !)

March 12, 2010 9:29 am

Man, most of you guys are really lucky. Amazon usually reserves the right to not honor purchase made from glitched prices. I've tried taking advantage of unbelievable prices on Amazon before but I would get an email after a while explaining that the price was errorneous and offering to either cancel the order or let me buy it for the real price.

January 15, 2010 11:15 pm

Well, even still, idk how've you clarified anything I've said at all. Marvel has the largest market share, even if retailers were all astute enough to maintain a solid ratio across all publishers of sold/unsold books, there would still be vastly more Marvel books left on shelves. And Marvel also likes inflates their sales all the time with variant offers identical to the ring promotion. I dont think its any stretch of the imagination that that my point may be true. But thats was never much a point in the first place.

Because a few shops might be able to find someone who would pay the $150 for a special variant doesn't make the offer anything universally better for retailers; I'd guess the chances of one of them selling the variant for as much capital as the stock they gave up to earn it are as slim as selling all of that stock in first place.

They're not offering anything essentially better than having 50 unsold book for retailers at all, yet you quote Breevort youself:

 "We heard from a number of retailers who got stuck with books chasing rings and decided to do something"

 "Making sure that our retailers can keep the doors open if they tied up a lot of cash on inventory they can't move"

"if it frees up deadlocked capital"

"it will put some more much-needed cash in retailers' pockets"

 I don't think I'm overstating it at all. They're making it sound like they're galloping to the rescue with a surefire way to earn back money they need after being hoodwinked and left in the dust by DC.