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Name: Zachary Paul

Bio: I like comics, don't you?

Muady's Recent Comments
January 15, 2010 6:11 pm You seem to be misunderstanding what I find distasteful. Like I said, I don't care about Marvel's offer. They can do what they want and the retailers can do what they want. But now i read them acting as if their offer is some kind of humanitarian effort on their part, when in fact its obviously an effort to smear their rival for practices that they are guilty of themselves tenfold, and I find that quite appalling.
January 15, 2010 2:32 pm

Lol, empirical evidence is for science and academics. ;-)  Its not slander, and nothing against Marvel, but I'm confident its true, so I can say it. Its up to you or anyone else reading how much stock to put into it, but if its empirical evidence you need to put stock into any claim I'm alright with that.

Also, I don't think welcoming DC to make a counter offer absolves him or Marvel as a whole in the least. The offer is a silly way to try to "help" retailers in the first place. It is far easier to sell lower-priced items in volume than a single high priced item. Its really not helping them at all--they would still have the same $$ worth of stock that is harder to move. If anything, since during rough economic times consumers are less likely to buy variants that retailers need to charge 50x a normal comic price for, the only people Marvel are helping is themselves by removing competitors comics from the shelves.

January 15, 2010 9:40 am

@daaccampo's Breevort Twitter

" "Dirty? How so? We heard from a number of retailers who got stuck with books chasing rings and decided to do something."

Mostly I was pretty amused by the hypocrisy of Marvel's offer, but I was less inclined to judge them cause its just business. But seeing them trying to rationalize it they way they are in these twitter quotes, I think I'm reconsidering towards thinking yes they're pretty scummy dips.

They've "heard" disatisfaction from retailers who had to buy tons of comics in order to chase promotional rings, have they? What about all the Marvel books retailers have to sit on for chasing Marvel's own promotional variants!? You're not going to relieve them of those books?

 How can he think he can in any way retain an image of honesty about taking away idle DC comics out of stores when in any comic shop the boxes of unbought Marvel back issues will vastly dwarf those of any other publisher's 9 times out of 10?

 Wow. Scumbags. :-P

April 2, 2009 5:59 pm I really hope Barry doesn't stay so moody.
February 9, 2009 10:42 pm

Neil Gaiman + Batman. I'm sure I am not alone in feeling that this comic book was notorized as for me personally when it was conceived. 

January 29, 2009 7:11 pm

So why don't you leave it at that? Your first post here said that you're problem with book is that "people who really seem to enjoy it, have basically reread and reread all the books and done a bunch of research online in order to MAYBE get it.". That line makes you seem to be more frustrated with how other people are enjoying the book, not with how you are not enjoying it.

But I'll add as a qualifier that your description of how people are enojying, and "getting", the book, isn't necessarily accurate. That's just what you seem to perceive. 

January 29, 2009 3:06 pm


That is precisely what I am saying. Stop feeling like you have to dig around on the internet in order to understand it. How do YOU understand it? 

January 29, 2009 12:18 pm DocSamson, the "real intention" doesn't matter. The secret to enjoying this kind of writing is stop worrying about those kinds of things. :-)
January 29, 2009 12:05 pm The meta-fictional kind of story is one that I am a sucker for. I was becoming a tad disenchanted with Final Crisis around issues 4 and 5 (The same time so many people were getting into it!). This final issue really struck at the heart of my sensibilties.
January 28, 2009 11:20 pm

Yea, actually, I think the epilogue is Bruce remerging from the Omega Sanction. He's now in the past and he's drawing Bat-signs on the walls to let people in the future (He knows he's in the past cause he's the god damned Batman) know when he is. 

Its kind of a clever set up for Batman: Rebirth whenever they're ready to bring him back.