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Name: Mark Schuepstuhl

Bio: Student and hopefully soon to be Ad guy from Germany, who has recently gotten back into Comics.

Kenzaburo's Recent Comments
March 16, 2010 7:30 pm good god, who drew that? there's some huge perspective errors going on with that drawing.
March 16, 2010 5:46 pm

to be immature: zatanna wins because she's hotter and wears fishnets. thus she can bend men to do her bidding, even without any other superpowers.

if we are talking the real deal here: not sure, i guess ms lehnsherr takes the prize with all that house of m jazz and stuff. and i really don't know the extent of zatanna's powers. 

March 10, 2010 2:45 pm

all 3 of these characters do seem to me like they should be at the Xavier Institute. On top of that, the visual designs seem rather uninteresting to me. 

i mean, it's cool if you like that sort of thing, i guess. but i stick with my classic avengers and probably the secret avengers. i might even check out new avengers, but not this. 

March 4, 2010 1:55 am @Conor: uh...uhm...does that mean you are gonna fight me now, considering what i wrote earlier? at least let me finish my drink first. :)
March 3, 2010 4:55 pm

@KickAss: the plane rescue, the gatling gun robbery thingy and supes sealing the gas leaks are the action scenes i liked. scenes that demonstrate his power or show superman in action in contemporary film and with contemporary means compared to the 70's and 80's version.

 btw, what i really liked about superman returns was the flashback part to his childhood. the whole way it was depicted visually had me totally captivated.

there's also one thing i'd like them to keep for the reboot: the title theme! i love that title theme. 

March 3, 2010 4:31 pm

I agree with Paul on this. there's parts of Returns that were great (like most of superman's action scenes), because at times it made him look like i always envisioned him...the majestic awe-inspiring hero - even though routh seemed to youngish at times.

but the awe-inspiration and all that jazz was portrayed perfectly in timm's animated series. on top of that, it had the quintessential luthor for me. dangerous, scheming, charming, brilliant. the movie version always seemed so whacky...regardless of spacey or hackman, he was just over the top. i sort of had the feeling that lex was more of a comic book character than supes himself. that's what dragged returns down for me, in the end - the portrayal of lex(uh, alright, there's the stuff with the kid - i hated that, too).

if you base a movie on johns' work and timm's cartoon, you can't go wrong.

@rapideyemovement: that was a beautiful description of why the big guy is not lame or boring. thank you. 

March 3, 2010 2:34 am @jim: doesn't the "the losers" flick come out this year, too? Another comic book movie, that is ridiculous over the top action. And i mean that in a good way. :)
February 25, 2010 2:48 am i support porter. i mean, cap is the QB1 of the avengers, right? i also like jensen ackles for the role. most of the other guys look too young for me, besides krasinski. he's more of an ant man.
February 24, 2010 5:18 pm

@thomaskaters: no worries, i was rather surprised to hear you mention it at all. but what's really confusing is: the waiter at your ETHOPIAN restaurant is teaching you about german? what the hell?

 and as long as it is funny, please slaughter ahead. :) your comment about the kick in the balls of your heart was right on.^ 

February 24, 2010 4:10 am

Always love it when you guys start with the relationship advice. had me burst into laughter when conor mentioned he likes women who are into booze, risky sex and baseball. 

missed josh, but katers is always fun to have around. although i gotta correct him: katers, your name doesn't mean cat in german. kater is german for male cat. katers would be a wrong plural for male cats(actually the plural is also kater^^). sorry to be a smart ass about it, but couldn't help it. german born and bred.;)