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Name: Joshua Nelson

Bio: Just a 20th century boy, comic book enthusiast and aspiring cartoonist living in the jewel of the Pacific Northwest: Seattle, Washington...


J-Nel's Recent Comments
November 11, 2013 3:26 am Don't give up the ship on The Ultimates just yet, Josh & Conor. Fialkov & Di Giandomenico are staying on for the 3 issue regular Ultimates: Cataclysm mini. I was thinking about picking up the Bendis & Bagley "Last Stand" series, but I'm glad I held off after hearing you guys discuss it...
September 19, 2013 2:39 am Great show as always, but I really perked up when Paul mentioned a "Batman: Year 100" Booksplode. Can't wait to hear all your thoughts and just reread it (for the 5th time) in preparation.
August 30, 2013 3:40 am I'm a sucker for The Impossible Man (as well as Mr Mxyzptlk & Gazoo), best issue in awhile. I'm loving and was initially here for Allred but hope we get one more Quinones issue before the end (#16?)...
August 30, 2013 3:33 am What A Twist! Has me wondering if Bechko/Hardman are "Twilight Zone" fans... Such a great one-shot story, get it!!
August 28, 2013 8:41 pm I'm kinda loving these giant-sized classic reprints of emerging characters like last month's Neal Adams Black Bolt One-Shot (I skipped out on the Star Lord one, any good?).
August 27, 2013 8:34 pm Yeah, I'm looking forward to Marvel Now! Wave 2 quite a bit and in no small part for the new Allred launch. Could it be "X-Statix" Now! (a fan can hope)??? Now one's seen anyone but Doop since the the "Dead Girl" mini... I'll just be happy if we continue to see Ms. Thing once this wraps...
August 27, 2013 8:27 pm I'm so excited for this and the next issue but so disappointed that DC thinks Brett Booth a suitable/consistent back-up for Jae Lee and that will be beginning with #5. What was wrong with Ben Oliver?
August 23, 2013 4:35 am I was about 99% that Ultimate Kang was Wanda and I actually thought that us as readers were supposed to believe that Quicksilver thought as much also (I'm pretty sure Reed knew who she "really" was). This issue encapsulates everything I love about this series. Fialkov's narrative stance embraces all of Ultimates continuity (equal parts Good/Bad) while weaving a thematically compelling "What If?"-esque epic of the 616 Marvel of the 2000s... I know the Ultimate books are still profitable and at least semi-popular but I can't help but think that Carmine Di Giandomenico is Marvel's best kept secret and is elevating this book to artistic heights of scope, action, and suspense not seen since Hitch but so different from that in style...
August 23, 2013 4:18 am Such an action-packed ride and some classy and proud Samnee Eisner props on the cover. I love how these singles all play as classic quick-burst superhero stories but there are always effortless reminders of the darkness brewing underneath all the (ingeniously deceiving) visual fun.
August 20, 2013 2:37 am I think he was just around for the launch, it's Dave Lopez for the next 3 then The Dodsons on #7.