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Name: Joshua Nelson

Bio: Just a 20th century boy, comic book enthusiast and aspiring cartoonist living in the jewel of the Pacific Northwest: Seattle, Washington...


J-Nel's Recent Comments
August 11, 2014 8:23 pm Ah, such fine memories of that summer of Bat-mania. This segment was quite a gift, guys. Thanks.
July 1, 2014 10:10 pm Wow (spoilers)!! That WAS the happiest ending to a "Stray Bullets" issue ever...
July 1, 2014 10:05 pm Which begs the question, "Will there be a podcast for that TMNT abomination due out in August???" Just kidding (sorta), but your special edition show is as close as I was willing to get to that thing...
May 19, 2014 4:59 pm I'm not too worried about a Joker origin being told in The New 52 to beat Fox to the punch because despite all conventional wisdom and my defeated sighs of "how long can this last?" I don't think The New 52 or this "Gotham" show can ruin a character who, much like his greatest foe, has endured for so long and proven their malleability and seamless variation across media. I had almost completely forgotten "Origin" happened until Dog showed up in Aaron's "Wolverine & The X-Men", so unless this show is like "Walking Dead" big I doubt anything that happens therein will have any lasting effect... The worst you'll see will be reminiscent of the folks who still maintain the Joker killed Batman's parents because they watched Batman '89' and that's their only experience with the character...
May 19, 2014 4:07 pm Savor it and don't let em' bully you Paul. You're far enough to know what this book is, and I can't imagine anyone who has read the earlier issues would have the kind of criticisms your co-hosts voiced. I mean, they're not wrong and it may just not be their thing but I'm always thinking "This book has always been that way" or "This character was established a long time ago" to the criticisms of the book. That said, I'm always a little surprised Conor doesn't dig it given his his history of love for crime fiction.
May 8, 2014 10:15 pm It's extremely frustrating but so far as the numbers go, DC hasn't suffered greatly in sales or greater public perception of its properties even with their obvious insecurity/reluctance to present any property not related to Batman or easily Batman-ized. The New 52 rolls on, DC still slaughters in trade sales, and "Man of Steel" was what it was and no one even blinked. What's amazing to me is that a company that is so doubled-down on its IP versus its talent would sacrifice the one thing that makes their characters so special, their history. I'm not saying that we need the old DCU back, although that coupled with a departure by Harras/Didio/Lee and a new dedication to content would undoubtedly make for a lot of goodwill among folks who feel like us. But hey, Pak's Superman books are turning out great and Azzarello's Wonder Woman is still going strong, so i'll take what I can get... Soooo glad I went with a rental, but bummed as I was pretty excited for the possibility of a Dick & Damian "Batman & Robin" adaptation spinning out of this. Great (albeit, downbeat) show, guys!!
April 25, 2014 1:18 pm Brian Cronin at CBR’s been doing a great job exploring the oddity that was the Captain America Marvel Knights series. Crazy stuff, especially the fact that Cap died in toward the end of the Heroes Return series and it was just flat-out dropped. The genesis of the series got written up today. http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2014/04/25/comic-book-legends-revealed-468/ Oh, and I gotta give Paul the mad props for making “Stray Bullets” the POTW. I never thought I’d ever see the series finish, let alone return with a new monthly issue, but it’s been bliss ever since Image announced it.
March 3, 2014 1:32 am Anyone read the James Robinson / Leonard Kirk debut on FF? While I enjoyed it, it's still too early to have an opinion on the story but Leonard Kirk has really stepped up in the past year. "Hunger" looked great, but this is even better. His art in this issue reminded me a lot of Stuart Immonen with just a dash of what I still enjoy about Bryan Hitch...
December 5, 2013 7:21 pm Good show, guys. I was surprised Greg Pak & Emma Rios' "Doctor Strange: Season One" wasn't mentioned. It's been my favorite of the Marvel Season One OGNs so far, Emma Rios employed her newer "Pretty Deadly"style (as compared to the anime look she used on her previous mini with Waid), and the story pits Strange & Wong as young mystic and romantic rivals. I can't imagine you both not loving this...
November 20, 2013 8:45 pm Damn, Paul made me feel like a real stick in the mud with this pick. The overdoing it with the "Fight Club" joke in issue #3 gave me the pause. I thought how the whole supervillain support group instantly evoked the fight club scene was funny, but once Spencer started directly referencing the movie in the narration and piling on with the Hippo (Meat Loaf) stand-in scene I just found it a little annoying. I mean, give the readers some credit, Lieber set the scene and mood and I think most men in their 20s-40s would have thought of that scene from "Fight Club" instantly. With that said, the "Heisenberg" reference in issue #4 was just too much for me and I dropped the book... Now, other than these things, which I freely admit I'm a bit of a stickler for, is this a common thing Spencer works into his writing? This was my first time reading one of his books and I can't imagine this kind of stuff is getting into his co-writing gigs with Hickman on Avengers but I guess I'll see once those collections are released. In short, this pick made me think I may have to lighten up on writers who watch a lot of movies and tv and want their readers to know it...