
Name: Allen Jones


HomeTeam790's Recent Comments
January 6, 2011 10:17 am I always thought that Dick would be the great leader that he is as Batman, but as Nightwing.  I would've preferred it that way because he was striving to break out from Bruce's shadow and he was relatively successful as Nightwing.  Plus I like the design of the Nightwing costume, I miss that one.
October 14, 2010 8:54 am

"Again unless it's a sickness, or injury then you won't find me feeling sympathetic for creators getting late on their work. It's a job first in a business not creativity whether you guys want to like it or not. "

 I wholeheartedly agree with this.  I have zero tolerance for this and I do vote with my dollars, I don't buy them, or the trade.  If you can't do a serialized story, stick to doing graphic novels.  I cannot see how it is tolerated, i don't get it.  Never have, never will.  I can understand when people like Howard Porter or Busiek suffer injuries, they can't do their books, that's forgiveable, but if you're butt is sitting there playing videogames, that's not, that's just laziness, I'm glad one of those particular artists is out of the buisness, let's give some press to guys who actually care about their product.

September 24, 2010 11:12 am Geof Darrow that's a name I haven't seen in years.  Good to see him back
October 22, 2009 10:50 am @TheBottomLine
April 17, 2009 5:52 pm Harbinger
March 27, 2008 6:41 pm I'm with you leland.  This is absolutely THE most underrated book out there.  Just a great book and a great ending to Rogers storyline.  I do wish he'd stay on more and I hope the book gets more and more readers as the acclaim continues to grow.