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Name: Jim Burton

Bio: I'm about forty, married with two kids. Current fave books:  Sixth Gun, Batman Inc., 20th Century Boys, Hellboy. Favorite book you probably haven't read:  Bryan Talbot's The Tale of One Bad Rat. Favorite book you've already read:  Starman. First comic I remember reading:  Justice League of America #113, 100 pages including "The Creature in the Velvet Cage!" revealing the fate of Sandy Hawkins in a JLA/JSA team-up. Favorite comic story ever:  Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1:  The Sinister Six, guest stars out the wazoo, defines the word "fun."

Doofenschmirtz's Recent Comments
May 12, 2012 10:47 pm A typically well-written, well-informed review. Great work, Josh. I'm now even more excited to read this one, and to hear the boys discuss it on a future show. Josh, you referred to [i]Supergods[/i] as a "novel." Are you implying that Morrison's memoir-slash-critical analysis of the superhero is in fact a work of [i]fiction?[/i] Damn. Now THAT'S meta.
June 29, 2011 8:05 pm Lately, I've tried a lot of series with intriguing premises, but unimaginative execution.

This is not one of those series.  It's been excellent!

I'm very glad I gave this book a chance.  The second issue actually built on the first in plot and characterization.  And the art is a perfect complement to the story.
June 20, 2011 9:43 pm #1 was my POTW, and this one has an even more impressive list of creators.  Giddy!
June 20, 2011 9:39 pm Best. Ongoing. Series.

June 7, 2011 9:20 am <i>"Do not taunt Infinity Gauntlet."</i>  Priceless!

I loved that the Boxing Glove Arrrow made the list, but I'd give the GL ring the edge, because you can use it to make both a boxing glove <i>and</i> a catcher's mitt.  Respect.
May 23, 2011 10:44 pm This title is a major mindf**k -- and I mean that in the best possible way.  Buy it!
May 23, 2011 10:42 pm Intriguing concept, the first issue was solid -- I'm in for the series.
May 2, 2011 6:58 pm @Abjekt:  Seconded.  I think it's the constantly rotating cast and inconsistent art that are preventing this series from really grabbing me.  I love a lot of these B-listers, but they don't get enough play to keep me coming back.

If a Cap foe is "kicking" someone, it can only be... BATROC ZE LEAPAIR!
May 2, 2011 6:49 pm Best arc since last year's Catman story, IMO.  Simone is killing it (sorry, Ron).
May 2, 2011 6:47 pm Another great Proof arc ends.  I hope it won't be too long until we get more.

About that cover:  Is Proof... floating?  What the what?