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Name: David Rodriguez



Its funny to see peoples varying opinions. So far Ive enjoyed Brightest Day, but this issue really frustrated me. Ive…

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A lot of my enjoyment of any form of entertainment is whether or not I want to go back after…

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First off, this is a biased review. I did not enjoy this book as much as I hoped because I…

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DavidCW's Recent Comments
December 6, 2010 3:37 pm My Emma Stone crush just got serious. Yum.
November 24, 2010 12:38 pm

After I read Snyders plan for his take on Batman I was immediately sold. I think Morrison did an amazing job creating a villain for Dick with Prof Pyg, and Snyders plan for building challenges uniquely tailored to Dicks psychology shows he understands Gotham and he understands good characters. I am looking forward to seeing Dick get really fleshed out as a character and solidify his place as an A-list character, and not just a sidekick.

I was talking to a buddy last night and I know everyones been saying it, but these are exciting times in the Bat-verse. I think we are seeing a transition as important as the first change from a darker Batman to campy Batman to asshole Batman. This may be a new version of Batman we will live with for the next 20 odd years, and my guess is that Batman is going to be more of a title similar to Mission Impossible or Fringe or shows along those lines. With the right story teller there will be some really great stories that could come out of that.

I'm just wondering, with Dick becoming so popular is it appropriate yet for us to start naming our kids that again? Or is it still too soon? One things for sure, there is one Dick that stands up to the rest. Long Live Dick. 

November 24, 2010 12:26 pm I think each episode has gotten progressively better with the latest episode really feeling like a self contained movie, very much in the same spirit as Night of the Living Dead. Only two more episodes to go and I want more :( Ive enjoyed all the eps but wasnt REALLY hooked until this weeks episode. Good stuff.
October 14, 2010 4:47 pm I just realized...Damian is really just Calvin a bit more grown up with black hair.
October 7, 2010 5:11 pm Hate to be the dissenting voice, but this does nothing for me. Now if they did an ongoing set in DC continuity or something after Terry gets older and finds out Bruce is his father....THEN my interest will pick up. I find Beechens story to be unoriginal, very been there done that. Get Paul Dini on BB and that would also increase my interest.
October 5, 2010 7:26 pm


 Thats not creepy. Thats a perfectly acceptable fantasy.

October 5, 2010 7:24 pm As a blonde, with her attitude, she works quite well as a USM version of Gwen. But, arguably, as a red head she works just as well, if not better, as MJ.
October 5, 2010 7:14 pm



October 5, 2010 6:59 pm

@SirCox I cant believe Im recommending this but check her out in House Bunny. She plays a nerd in that one quite convincingly. A bit more girl next door than her role in Zombieland. Im still waiting to see how Garfield looks in the suit, being that hes quite tall and a bit wire-y, but Im holding out hope that Webb has a vision for these movies that are more consistent with comic canon. With Raimis movies still fresh in our minds, as far as Im concerned the only way to successfully reboot the franchise is to be consistent with either Amazing or USM. Sounds like they wanted to go with USM but after casting Garfield I am more leery about them setting it in high school. Guess we'll see what happened, but something tells me Webb is a fan of the material, and really wants to please with his version.

October 5, 2010 6:52 pm Perfect. I wanted her as MJ but this works better. I love me some Emma Stone though, developed a mad crush on her after Zombieland. Now for MJ maybe we can try this again and have someone who is supermodel-y to play her.