Entertainment Weekly Calls WALKING DEAD the Best New Show on TV

The cover for the newest issue of Entertainment Weekly proclaims what many knew already: The Walking Dead is the best new show on TV!

Meanwhile, in ratings news, this past Sundays episode held strong, dropping only 5% from the week before with 4.8 million total viewers compared to 5 million last week. Viewership is holding amazing well over the course of four episodes.


  1. I believe the word "new" should be removed from the cover.

  2. No matter what you think of the show, it’s nice to have a TV series based on a comic that you don’t have to worry about keeping on the air.  Maybe this will get some "Big 2 only" readers to read The Walking Dead trades in an effort to get ahead of the show, the first step into a larger world.


  3. I can’t remember when I last enjoyed a new (non-comedy) TV show this much.

  4. I watched the first episode… it wasn’t that good.  But then again, I don’t think I’m watching any other "new" shows.  Its certainly not as good as Fringe.

  5. While I whole-heartedly agree with the description, I do not think that it does the show justice.  It is like being labeled the ‘tallest dwarf’.  There just are not a lot of the ‘new crop’ that is even watchable, let alone good.  I think that the show is far better than a substantial amount of previously existing shows, and definitely better than any new show.  But that’s just me.

  6. I love this show, love the book, the cast is perfect! I couldnt be happier for Kirkman and rest of us fans for this one.

    Happy thanksgiving iFanboy crew and community!!! Have a great weekend and travel safe!!!


  7. It only took 3 post before someone came in and poo poo’ed the show. That’s how you know you’ve hit it big!

  8. Nice, I hope that 5% realized this missed a glorious and heartbreaking zombie attack at the end of this episode.  Which means good word of mouth might bring the numbers back up a bit.

  9. I think each episode has gotten progressively better with the latest episode really feeling like a self contained movie, very much in the same spirit as Night of the Living Dead. Only two more episodes to go and I want more 🙁 Ive enjoyed all the eps but wasnt REALLY hooked until this weeks episode. Good stuff.

  10. love the show and i totally agree with that statement. Maybe Boardwalk Empire could rival it, but i haven’t seen enough of it to make a comparrision.

    i especially love the cover of this magazine…because Rick is pointing the gun at someone’s ankle while trying to be dirty harry. =)

  11. I’m guessing we have to wait until next Halloween for season 2? 

  12. This is definitely a great show.  I just wish I could keep up.  I’m an episode behind and I’m not going to be able to catch it this week with traveling home from the holiday.  I’ll have to set aside "Walking Dead time" early next week.  Thank god for DVR.

  13. Fuck yeah.  

  14. I think Detroit 1-8-7 is SLIGHTLY better as a new show….

    But Walking Dead is a very, very close second. 

  15. @cutty

    Season 2 is slated to hit our tv’s next Halloween

  16. Dear God in heaven above, why couldn’t EW throw its enormous clout behind Terriers, the actual best new show on TV?

    Oh yeah, EW doesn’t actually have any clout.

    Personal top 5: Terriers, Justified, Community, Walking Dead and Mad Men.  And while I’d bet @TNC is joking about Detroit 1-8-7, it’s pretty good, too.

  17. I spend thousands of dollars on entertainment but I don’t watch any broadcast television, radio and I don’t go to the movie theaters.

    I currently watch one television show regularly: The Walking Dead.

    This is the first time in over ten years.

    The only way I know anything about pop culture is through Entertainment Weekly (and iFanboy).

    E.W. fo life!

  18. @RobAbsten: I don’t recall laughing. 🙂

    ….Seriously I do like Detroit 1-8-7 a lot. There’s not many plotholes or stereotypical characters like in Walking Dead. Hence why I like it a little bit more.

  19. Never heard of Detroit 187.

    The Walking Dead, though, is one of the very few show sI actually watch and right now is the ONLY show I watch on TV. Normally I wait until it hits DVD then buy the season which is what I do with Fringe, Burn Notice and Weeds.

    Right now, nothing tops The Walking Dead. But the one thing that annoys me is, and this is a general thing with movies/shows based on comic books, the credits say based on the Graphic Novels…it’s based on the COMIC BOOK series. Why are we never allowed to praise the actual source? Why is ‘Comic Book’ not something we can say but ‘Graphic Novel’ is? (even beyond that Graphic Novel is an incorrect term since it was a monthly comics first then collected into trade paperbacks. Graphic novels are generally not collections of monthly comics, they are original stories done in the bookshelf format. Nitpicky, I know, but I love seeing Based On The Comic Book on the screen more than graphic Novel.

    But I see no plot holes in The Walking Dead, probably because I’ve read the TRADES and know whats coming and the characters are normal people, can’t really say ‘stereotypical’ that’s also nitpicky though.

    I love the show and can’t wait fo rit to hit DVD. Also, I love the fact that even knowing whats coming it still hits hard when someone like Amy gets what she got or when Rick saw his family for the first time. Kudos and keep up the good work!

  20. I’ve been trying to get everyone i know to watch the show — even got the wife to watch and she hates horror related movies/shows.  Its just so refreshing to see a well written, intelligent show about characters. Loving AMC for paving the way to truly entertaining television: Walking Dead, Breaking bad and Mad Men. 

  21. I look forward to the episodes but the accent certainly is beginning to bother me.

  22. I got my wife & father-in-law on board. They totally love the series and are addicted!