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Name: David Warren


DWarren's Recent Comments
October 20, 2010 12:15 pm

I don't really know any of these characters, so i have to go based off looks...so with that said i choose Shrinking Violet.

The picture they have above the voting section has Lighting Lad and Saturn Girl, but they're not votable, that is misleading.

How is Levitz Legion?  Is it a good point to jump on if you know nothing about these characters or their origins or thier history, but find them interesting in shear numbers? 

September 22, 2010 12:47 pm

I think i'm a Conor.

I don't hate it, it has its place, but i prefer it not to be so obvious.  Maleev's work on Daredevil was fantastic, he draws one of my favorite Iron Fists too.  His Scarlet work just takes me out of the story (along with the 4th wall breaking) and I'm not going to be picking that book up anymore.

I agree with Ron that Lands work seems lazy, and when Josh said "workmanlike" that's so true!  It seems like jobbing the pages and not creating the pages.  While I agree that it must be more difficult sometimes, it really just seems lazy and cheating.

What we need is more Doug Mahnke's, Patrick Gleeson's, Chris Samnee's, Darwin Cooke's, Stewart Immonen's,  Dustin Ngyen's...I'm sure i'm forgetting some, but you get my point.

(apologies to all the artists names i misspelled) 

September 21, 2010 2:50 pm

" the end of Wildstorm as a separate imprint"

What exactly does that mean?  All Wildstorm books are cancelled?  This is the end of Wildstorm or does it mean it's becoming something else? 

August 16, 2010 5:00 pm I loved The Hunter and Man with the Getaway Face ($1 from DCBS! A Steal!) I can't wait for this.
July 28, 2010 1:03 pm

Let's see, we got Hulk, Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hawkeye, Wasp, Pym, and Black Panther.  Good lineup.

It reminds me of the X-Men cartoons, but this show has characters I care about (Sorry Ron)

Definitely have to DVR this to save for my son. 

July 27, 2010 1:49 pm

Ryan Reynolds, class act.

He also signed a book for the kid too.  This is how you do good publicity for your movie. 

May 6, 2010 11:46 am

How do you go from ranting about people complaining about photo referencing to LET'S START A GUILD!?

Either way, as long as quality doesn't go down, I'm all for creators getting more of the pie. 

May 3, 2010 12:55 pm

After seeing the the actual pages of his death...That was a pretty good death.  Pretty touching actually.  I don't read X-Men regularly, but i've always liked Nightcrawler, a standard power in a unique package.  Being German is just the icing on the cake.

Deaths aren't good anymore because of solicits.  If you were just picking up X-Force because you wanted to follow the event, i could see Kurt's death being much more weighty. 

April 22, 2010 1:47 pm Wow, that is a classy looking LCS Conor.  Makes mine look like crap.  Serious crap.
April 22, 2010 1:33 pm

Is it just me, or is Kevin staring at Archie's butt in that last panel?

I sense a love...square(?) coming soon!