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Name: Frank Miceli



A pretty good issue using Joes that haven’t been seen in awhile. The art is acceptable but could user tighter…

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ConanXXXV's Recent Comments
April 4, 2013 8:02 pm Wow I didn't even know he was still alive. He was one of the first artists I recognized when he was doing the old Star Wars comics which were actually pretty good. What is the last thing he drew? Did he do anything after the 1980's?
March 28, 2013 12:38 am This is a really good comic. I am really enjoying it. As a long time Marvel fan this is the kind of story that is the most fun.The artwork on the destroyed buildings is probably the best I've seen. It really feeds into the end of the world vibe. Whenever you can pull something off unexpected in a comic that is always a plus. I read somewhere that the Spiderman in this book is Peter Parker. It was announced months before this came out. I think like someone said earlier this was written before Superior.
March 24, 2013 11:23 pm This is so much better than the other new GI Joe series.
March 24, 2013 11:17 pm Yeah I liked it at first but nothings happening. I'm not sure where it's going or if i even care anymore.
March 18, 2013 8:19 pm Romita Jr and Simonson did a lot of high profile work so there bigger names. Romita Jr has changed his style and always had an odd style while Ordway was right now down the middle. The only thing I think of Ordway doing is that Shazam series awhile back. I do think it's shitty that DC would sign him to an exclusive and not give him work. Most of their books have mediocre art at best. That being said I wouldn't buy something because he was doing it. Although some of the new art from Simonson looks terrible. That Hulk picking up the Hammer, blehh.
March 16, 2013 11:25 pm This really was a great series. I liked how the Justice League was incorporated into the show and that they used Captain Marvel. The storyline really brought me in. It wasn't just fighting the villain of the week. The ending had been building to Darkseid for awhile. With the way they used Godfrey I wonder if the storyline was going to be similar to the Legends series. The only thing I didn't like about this show was Lagoon Boy. Was he made up for the show?
March 13, 2013 9:26 pm This is a good series. If you like Marvel comics you will like this. The art is very good and the characterization is interesting. Disproportionate nut sacks aside. This is what comics are about. Big, over the top stories with the heroes backs against the wall in a dire situation. The Cap page at the end of the first issue was great. If your going to nit pick about panel size or other minor details you shouldn't read super hero comics. Marvels new comics are the best they have been in years. They have new ideas and different story lines unlike some other comics that just changed some costumes and are telling the same tired uninspired stories.
March 7, 2013 2:14 am A pretty good issue using Joes that haven't been seen in awhile. The art is acceptable but could user tighter detail. It would be nice to get someone that can draw guns and gear well but this guy captures the flavor of the old comics. It seems they are making a point to include various Joes on missions in this serious which is smart. The series is a little comical sometimes for my taste but otherwise enjoyable. An appearance/introduction of the Black Major and the Red Shadows which I think were the British Action Force enemy. If your an old school Joe fan you can check the 80's Australian GI Joe/Action Force comics which had original stories and the Red Shadows. The Red Shadows leader became Cobra Commander in that storyline. If you liked the early Joe comics definitely check those out. If you look up Blood for the Baron on the web there is a site that has them online.
March 3, 2013 10:26 pm This is a pretty decent series. The cover pulled me in on the first issue. The art is good as well. It's done by the guy that did the Planet of the Apes ongoing. The characters are mostly original and interesting. Usually independent comics superheroes books are just rip offs or standard DC and Marvel heroes.
February 22, 2013 1:02 am I have been a GI Joe fan since the beginning. It pains me to say this issue kind of sucks. The art is bad. The artist definitely can't draw guns. The story is campy. The last series was so good. This is kind of a follow up to it I guess. I don't see Joe fans liking this. If the art was better and they didn't dress like bad 90's superheroes it might not be terrible.