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Name: Dave Withnall


Twitter: dww84

Cheezdog's Recent Comments
July 28, 2010 4:17 pm

@KahunaBlair me too. Did Geoff Johns ever say whether the Blue Beetle appearence would be Ted Korn or Jamie?

June 10, 2010 3:19 pm Crisis? Flash? Oh I see what you did there! :P
April 21, 2010 7:13 pm

I've often thought about this, and what would happen when I one day (in the distant future) have children.

I tweeted a question a few weeks ago, asking if you WERE to name a child after a comic book character, what it would be. You know what my response was? Oberton Sexton Gravedigger!

To be honest, in a random hypothetical conversation, my partner and I agreed on Conner, then a few days later she asked "How many superheroes are called Conner?". I lied in my respone.

April 20, 2010 8:48 am

@JeffR I wonder how many internal injuries Superman's punches have caused over the years. How does he know how much power to put behind each one?

Some of those Silver Age comics explicity states that they were imaginary. Others, just had to assume (and hope).

e.g. I remember a Superboy storyline where Clark discovers the Kents had a previous alien son before Clark came along. I think they revisited that over a few separate stories, but I could never work out whether it was a silly imaginary story, or part of continuity. Come on, what are the chances of finding TWO alien babies in a lifetime??

April 20, 2010 8:28 am

Action Comics #283 (early 60s) fell in the Silver Age => Earth-1!!

Was this an imaginary story? I know I have this issue bagged in my Silver Age longbox, but I'm not willing to open just to reread this story. Was it showcased?

April 16, 2010 10:38 pm

@SpiderTitan I think it's been quite the opposite. Smallville has had some of the best episodes in the past few seasons, since then. They're really stepping up Clark's role as the superhero and his place amongst the other heroes. I look forward to seeing how they finish it up and am loving every episode.

Try to put any crappy storylines (and there have been a few: stalker Clark, kryptonian magic tramp-stamps, kryptonite-woman-lana, clones) behind you and just enjoy the ride towards the final season.

April 15, 2010 9:57 pm

Ooooh yay! Finally I'll be able to ask "how long 'til Wednesday?"

I wonder whether having shipping dates closer to the beginning of the week affects overseas shipments.

April 5, 2010 9:14 am Wowee. Great news guys!!
March 30, 2010 10:00 am @Andrew Ahhh that was Matrix, and I have memories of her having massive hair and wearing a spiked collar. She disappeared years ago when they ended that version of Supergirl series.. I wonder if that character will ever appear again in the DCU.
March 30, 2010 9:42 am @JeffR it still is! *looks in the mirror*