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Name: Tom Billington



Billington's Recent Comments
June 6, 2013 11:42 am ... that was what that whole bit about snow being "interference" was for.
June 5, 2013 11:36 pm This was great. Lee Weeks is just one of those guys who GETS Daredevil. The Bible quotes here seem to have been carefully selected and fit in flawlessly, and obviously they go great with the background of Matt Murdock. I am genuinely interested to see what comes next, and for him to pull that off without a true villain is masterful. Of course, there's also fantastic art here, so that helps. Really just an outstanding job. I decided to trade wait on End of Days, but I'm really glad I didn't do that for this one.
June 5, 2013 11:28 pm I'm so torn. I recognize that this is a good comic. It's interesting, the art is good, and what came before it in the new 52 was just awful. But... *******SPOILERS********* **************************** **************************** **************************** **************************** I am really not pleased about this Outsiders, Clan of the Arrow, Axe/Fist/Shield/Sword/Spear/??? business. It seems so much like whatever's going on in Green Lantern world with their tribes and the whole rainbow. Or even like what we're about to get with JL vs. JLA vs. JLD. Or Lemire's Rot vs. Red vs. Green. I'm not sure we need more warring factions, and honestly, I don't know that Green Arrow needs this whole completely new complex mythology. Throughout his history, Ollie has mostly just been one guy, and a lot of writers put together great stories without giving him a convoluted mythology about Clans devoted to weapons and Oliver having to reach enlightenment and finding totems. While part of me appreciates the effort and can see that it's being well done, I just don't like the direction it's going at all, and all likelihood, I'm going to have to drop this if it keeps going that way.
June 3, 2013 4:14 pm Man, 'Final Issue.' I guess it was worth a shot to try and continue this series beyond Brubaker, but it was probably doomed from the get-go. Winter Soldier only existed because of Brubaker, and I guess it can't exist without him. I gave Latour a shot, but this arc was so confusing and tried introducing way too many new elements to make it readable. Sad stuff.
May 30, 2013 4:29 pm This one seemed like such a wrap-up issue. Really curious for what's in store for the finale. I guess maybe the end of Pug? Fantastic stuff though, really one of the best comics on the stands these days.
May 30, 2013 11:31 am Keith Giffen's "Reign in Hell" was dense as ... heck... and not entirely great, but it has some of my all-time favorite Zatanna moments. Certainly some of her best moments regarding her most meaningful relationship: that with her father. Also, seeing her surrounded by all the other DC magic characters makes you appreciate her quite a bit. The recently re-released Day of Judgment, by Geoff Johns, is fun in the same way.
May 21, 2013 3:57 pm Thanks. I'm familiar with Magik, but haven't read much X-Men since before AvX. This was really helpful, and lets me know I really only have to go back one issue (if at all. I do like last page reveals, even when I know what's coming).
May 21, 2013 12:56 pm So I'm a big Doctor Strange fan but haven't been reading Uncanny X-Men. How long have they been battling Dormammu? Is he first appearing in this issue as a one off? Basically, how far back would I have to go in this arc to get it all. May wait for the trade if it's been going on since #1.
April 4, 2013 9:39 am I'm the same way... and more importantly, I'm really having a tough time understanding what's going on. I think it might've been a bad move to introduce all these brand new characters right after the transition. I'll probably ride out this arc (not even sure on that) because I'm a big Winter Soldier fan, but after that, barring improvement, I'm out.
March 28, 2013 9:54 am THIS is the arc I'll remember for years to come? Dog (an awful character), plus robots from the future, dinosaurs, cowboys and indians, and cavemen? The students using guns instead of their powers? Yikes. I REALLY can't wait until they get back to the Hellfire Club arc, and hopefully they haven't lost be completely before that happens.