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Name: Tom Billington



Billington's Recent Comments
March 25, 2013 5:05 pm This is EXACTLY what I thought of too. Daredevil and Aquaman are actually my two favorite heroes of all time, so I'm thinking of getting these two framed side by side or something. Would be nice to have it without the barcodes, or even the text, but either way, I think it'll look cool.
March 14, 2013 10:13 am Oof. I did not like this. I mean the writing with the Dog flashbacks was fine and all, but this is not what 'Wolverine & the X-Men' has been since its beginning. I know it has "Wolverine" in the title, but up until now, this has never felt like a Wolverine book to me. If I wanted that, I would've bought Wolverine or Savage Wolverine. I'm looking for a cool team book and this was not it. I really wish Aaron would just finally get to the Hellfire Club stuff they've been building to since the first arc. I expect that to be a great payoff, but all this stuff in between has been mediocre at best.
March 6, 2013 10:57 pm I want more than anything to like this... but honestly, I had a hard time following this issue. I read it twice, and I'm still not entirely sure I have it all down, which is unfortunate given all the exposition. I also wasn't 100% crazy about the art. I love the character and still feel like I owe Brubaker and Guice so much, so I'm going to keep on it, but I hope it improves a bit.
February 12, 2013 11:46 am Is Bucky going to be in just the issue or is he a permanent member of the team?
January 24, 2013 9:53 am Man, so sorry to see this one end. I'm definitely going to give the new team a shot because Brubaker has built such an incredible character here, but still sad to see him go. And Guice and Lark were just amazing on this run.
January 4, 2013 9:57 am I know that you're "taste of" list was by no means exhaustive... but how'd you leave off 'Chew'? Easily one of their best, and gets a lot of Pulls on iFanboy too.
December 14, 2012 9:37 am So far this seems like an odd characterization of Arcade to me, but I think that's because we haven't seen enough of him yet. He's my favorite Marvel villain behind Bullseye, so I'm excited to see where this goes. I hope he gets to play a significant part in each issue. That being said - I'm not digging his design. He looks like Fujimoto from Ponyo. He's a little classier than usual, but the hair and narrow face are throwing me off a bit.
November 30, 2012 10:01 am Parts of a Hole is amazing. That's not to say that the issues above aren't great too, but I agree about adding that particular arc to this article.
November 27, 2012 11:24 pm This has been my most anticipated single issue of the year. The preview already looks amazing. I hope the rest of it lives up to the hype. Just seeing Lamont Cranston and Britt Reid talking sans masks is great. Throw in Richard Wentworth, and you've got a bunch of rich vigilantes... honestly can't wait. And all the variant covers are awesome.
November 13, 2012 11:18 pm Kind of excited just to see Arcade get some spotlight. I hope he has some regular appearances, as opposed to just being the guy necessary for the premise.