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Name: René Reiche

Bio: 28 year old never-grow-up, but sometimes damn serious BOY from Bremen, Germany, that someday is going to be an elementary school teacher(hopefully).Only 3 years into comics, collects only in trade for numerous reasons. Founded Comic Book of the Month reading club on Facebook, had a german comic review blog, but stopped.

AvengersAssemble's Recent Comments
September 20, 2010 4:39 pm

Counter Example:

I never bought any comics in my LIFE! The ones a friend of mine had in the 90ies(Spawn and Witchblade) were overpriced and stupid, taste- and styleless power/sex fantasies and frankly, I was way above that in a kinda snotty way.

Torrent PIRACY is what GOT me INTO comics!

Civil War to be precise. Some 2 months later I downloaded Watchmen and it looked really bad on the screen, so I ordered the TPB on Amazon. Never again I pirated an issue that I really wanted to read and am a big waiting-for-the-trade collector now.

Why? Because Comics - just as books - are way more awesome on paper! And I want to get the most awesomeny awesomeness out of my stories possible. I barely watch any TV-series anymore(they just can't beat Y, Swamp Thing, Amazing Spider-man, Secret Six and so on). Took me almost a year to get down to watch Inglorious Basterds and 2 months till after the series finished to watch the final season of Lost!

September 14, 2010 11:07 am

I read

- Akira vol. 1, didn't like it much... very over the top and felt unpolished

- Blade of the Immortal vol. 1 - 5 ... nice but not good enough to spend this HUGE amount of money to get them all and I don't have a library around, where I could rent them

- Lone Wolf & Cub Vol. 1... really liked it, but it wasn't going somewhere, no big overall story arc that SLOWLY develops in the back. Felt like a collection of Single Issue arcs and so I didn't buy vol. 2. (if you like single issue, CLASSIC samurai honor and all AND Frank Miller-esque stuff, try this, not blade of the immortal)


Now I didn't read Pluto, but 20th Century boys until vol. 8 and it's just so EXPENSIVE, because the series are SOO long. I don't know why I have this TOO-EXPENSIVE feel with a 50 issue vertigo arc, but with manga it's there. But 20th century boys is the VERY best out of all of those and maybe I contonue it someday, OR I try Pluto, which is only 8 volumes and done by the same guy/team as 20th century boys.

September 8, 2010 9:47 am Depends on the incarnation. 80ies almost teenage, not super-boob-hole Power Girl was cool, but over all I'd go with Miss Marvel, even though she'd vote Republican.
September 3, 2010 4:34 pm sorry overlooked the freedom fighters, SORRY!
September 3, 2010 4:33 pm

Feels like your voting system has some kind of THRESHOLD... nothing beneath 4 out of 5?

So the Lady Gaga comic gets a 4 and Watchmen a 5 then, right...?   

Sorry about the sarcasm, normally I'm not like that, but it had to be pointed out.

August 24, 2010 3:19 pm

Facebook says 08/28/10 is "Read Comics in Public Day" and yeah... I'm attending and it might be embarassing, it might be cool... if it's cool, cool! If it's embarassing, it's gonna be cool to write about it on the net and share our embarassing moments of that day.

So it's gonna be cool either way. 

Anybody else attending?

August 5, 2010 1:05 pm @Flakbait  You nailed it. That's exactly why
August 5, 2010 1:01 pm

I disagree, I like the official image and then suprising looks, when people hear how much I spend on comics. "No, YOU?!?? YOU're one of THEM? ....REALLY?"

AND I like to be an outcast. Comic reading always brought with it the escapism and finding something JUST FOR YOU and at least in my country it still very strongly still is. If you would take that away from comics... I don't know. It's like that GREAT AWESOME hometown band you love and that now gets world famous. You're happy for them, you still love their music, but all the new fans turn you off from time to time... and with every little change of style you make "the multi million dollor industry machinery" responsable for it.

July 22, 2010 3:54 pm Threadless ROCKS! I'll never buy my T-shirts elsewhere *partying*