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Name: René Reiche

Bio: 28 year old never-grow-up, but sometimes damn serious BOY from Bremen, Germany, that someday is going to be an elementary school teacher(hopefully).Only 3 years into comics, collects only in trade for numerous reasons. Founded Comic Book of the Month reading club on Facebook, had a german comic review blog, but stopped.

AvengersAssemble's Recent Comments
November 19, 2010 3:15 pm

Def. Stealing:
To illegally, or without the owner's permission, take possession of something by surreptitiously taking or carrying it away.

 So if I you buy a comic in your local store and on your way home I rob you, then I STOLE it from YOU. If I downloaded  it from a guy that shared the torrent. Then I didn't take POSESSION of the comic. 

The company owns the RIGHTS to the story. After my illegal download I don't possess the rights to the comic, therefore it can't be called "stealing". It doesn't make it right, just the word is wrong.

November 19, 2010 3:04 pm

@Imiller31: I think so too. They will not pay for comics! If the only way was to pay, they'd stop reading comics. Would I have watched Lost at the cost of 4$ an episode? It would be worth it, but I wouldn't have started paying, not even after a free-to-get-hooked 1st season.

But WITH piracy, MAYBE if pirate reads an awesome comic online(that they never had tried, were the only possibility to try it, paying for it), they say "hey, that was one of the best comics I ever read, I want it on my shelf HC, good paper and binding and lend it to my friends to show off and maybe get them hooked too.

November 19, 2010 2:58 pm

@Kirkerson: You rock!

[sad though I live in germany, I want to borrow a comic, I have to to the university of arts and check their local library on the 5th floor, to find Maus, Asterios Polyp, Persepolis and stuff, but they don't even have Watchmen, good though for the comic industry as I don't pirate comics(just everything else), but keep on buying their trades on amazon]

November 19, 2010 2:49 pm

Honestly, I pirate pretty much EVERYTHING(movies, movies, tv-series, music, pc and xbox360 games), just not comics! Then again, I don't buy single issues, I buy trades, a LOT of trades.

Why pirate all the other and not comics? Because with comics

1st It's more like a donation to an "artist" instead of just a 400 poeple group under the roof of one movie or games company together for one gig they believe in at varying levels.

2nd Downloaded comics look CRAPPY on the screen! For me it's worse than watching one of those cinema-cam-movies some russian guy uploaded a week before the official movie release AND ALSO reading a GREAT comic just on the screen for the first time is a great experience forever ruined. There is a perfect paper-kind fit for every comic and reading it on something else is a waste of art. You want to see a Picasso, a Klimt, a Cezanne, you go to the musuem, you don't google it and watch the jpeg for hours!


Also piracy is not STEALING, it may very well be morally wrong, but it's not stealing as long as the other guy still has his copy and even offered it willingly. I don't steal, I wouldn't steal if I could turn invisible and couldn't be cought ever, but I do "pirate" stuff.

November 19, 2010 1:58 pm

Ok, I never really thought about reading Bone, but then a guy from my Comic-reading-monthly club chose "Bone" as his book everybody had to read for the monthly discussion.

Boy, was THAT a ride! It starts as Micky Mouse, then from color volume #4 on it's good Fantasy with a nice thrill and the last 2-4 out of the 9 volumes it get's Lord of the Rings epic... all that, just with a an ending rivaling "Star Wars: Return of the jedi"in epic- and awesomeness.

 Everybody, READ Bone, I'm not kidding! If you start, be sure to only start judging after Vol. 4 because it's all ONE story. Had I judged the LotR books after the first 100 pages, the garbageman would have them now.

Trust me, Bone is awesome, it's even in my Top5 best ever comics, I just tend to forget to count it, because it has no Marvel, DC, Darkhorse or Image sign on it.

November 10, 2010 1:38 pm

@Wheelhands I agree, I enjoyed the read and I always enjoy thinking about Superhero physics. I also read "The Physics of Superheroes" by famous physic prof James Kakalios(awesome book by the way with some real hardcore physics tried to make accessable at the end, really I I now read 3 winners in the Eisner column "best work ABOUT comics" and none were as entertaining as that).

 There is ONE Superhero phyisics riddle I always wanted to solve, but never achieved it: In JMS's "Supreme Power" #18 Hyperion goes into space, super-accelerates  towards earth and his impact explosion is said to equal to 1 teraton. <-I always asked myself how fast Hyperion has been, but my knowledge about relativistic speed and energy relation is practically non-existent so... any of YOU has an idea?

November 10, 2010 12:46 pm

If we assume that, let's say Bane would be strong enough to tear the Flashs leg off his body, then we can DEFINITELY assume, that kicking against something(not just stroking it like in running over it gently, but kicking the "tar like" air) with more than 150m/s would break the flashs legs if not worse.

Even if the leg movements of this jumping technique is not directed in the oppisite direction the flash wants to jump, according to Newton the sum of all net-forces always is 0. SOMEWHERE he'd break something, definitely.

You can't apply physics to the flash. It can only work with the magical speed-force or he'd have to eat a million hamburgers every time he goes beyond mach whatever, he'd generate twisters, break his legs while accelarating or braking, heat up the air into plasma and all that stuff.

November 9, 2010 10:19 am

What makes a geek(the negative image of one in eyes of the public) is the attitude/character/appearance and not really the field of interest!

The geeks that were the physics and computer geniuses in high school, that are now still wearing multi-colored checked shirts, spending their evenings soldering CB radio parts in the basement after having dinner with their wives <- THEY are STILL nerds and THEY still read COMICS!

The former high school phys-whizs, that now have dark masculine, determined voices and are Nasa field-expert, THEY don't read comics any more. ....... or at least that's what the public thinks. And kids want to be the second, of those, not the first. Hope my Rep-point is clear.


We should talk about our comic reading like we do about what we've had to eat yesterday, or what great article we last read in the times or what movie we've seen last week with our fiancee. Be self confident, make clear comic reading is something completely normal and if your dialog partner thought otherwise, react as if he probably didn't get the memo some years back.

October 22, 2010 2:25 pm @QuayLewd @Simmons  @diebenny

I completely agree! The internet reviews and online trade buying made it so simple to find a good jumping on point!
Some 2 years ago I read the one or other great-awesome-cheering review and instantly bought 3-4 trades to get in and catch up.
It was just during the last 1 1/2 years, I more and more realized, how crappy those titles have gotten /been-are at some times.

We really are onto something, aren't we?
October 22, 2010 2:18 pm

I cut back on about 30% of usual pulls in the last half year, but almost all of them were crappy titles I've been buying too long already in hope they'd be getting as good as they used to at some point.

I'm not stock piling money, not saving for a new car or anything, I just wanted to punish crappy ongoing comics.

All while I'm always available for "rewarding excellence. Put out more new awesome series like Captain Britain/Agents of Atlas/Madame Xanadu and I'll be in buying more comics again! Make more ongoing titles as crappy as Green Arrow, Wolverine Origins and even Batman and I'll be dropping MORE titles!


Big events? Not happy... but make'em awesome and I'll be buying them tie-ins, it's as easy as that.