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Name: Mike Geney

Bio: Reach me at:twitter.com/archr5www.Groudy.com

Archr5's Recent Comments
August 3, 2009 2:44 pm I really tried to like this, but I couldn't stop comparing it to Penny-Arcade's Automata After that, this just failed to resonate with me.  The world of automata feels Rich and lived-in... and it's only existed for Three pages!  This feels empty... even after an entire book.  Maybe it's the art. I'm giving #2 a shot but I hope it gets a lot better.
August 3, 2009 2:37 pm

I enjoyed it, but I would have enjoyed the same amount it if the characters had all been original with no tie in to Wolverine and crew...

So I liked the story but felt the "wolverine" angle was a little artificial.  It hit all the right notes for a Logan story.. manipulation, brutality, loss...  but didn't have enough grit from the Logan character to really drive it home.

August 3, 2009 1:59 pm

This books writing is almost everything that made me quit reading comics in the 90's.

Claremont should really get Liefeld to draw this thing... that would help capture the essence of 90's suck that he seems to be going for.

I feel bad for the artist having to draw things that match the wildly inconsistent dialogue from panel to panel.

 That said, Ron's enjoyment and re-telling of the issues is enough to make me read it every time it comes out.  I want a MST3K / Rifftrax style audio commentary from Ron as he reads this book.

June 23, 2008 4:17 pm

" After the Punisher shoots the shit out of the gangsters in the packed nightclub & everyone is running for the exits including the hooker, she is confronted by a group of guys who were also fleeing. There was just a heavy gun battle in a club filled with people, so common sense would tell anyone that police are on the way ... right? Well, these guys (who a second ago were stealing a car they wanted to get away so bad) decide raping her out in the open, with cops on the way is a good idea. What the fuck? "


Maybe i read a different book, or i'm mis-remembering.  but those guys didn't steal a car to get away,  they were leaving the club in their car and She pulled a gun and tried to steal their car to get away herself.  

But anyway yeah i agree that it was a little weird with "cops coming" the way they instantly went into rape mode on her...  but the circumstances leading up to them getting out of the car seemed believable to me.

Anyway,  I enjoyed the book, and I really liked the way her view of men as either wild animals who need to be put down, or easily led pack animals that can be tamed and broken was changed by Frank.

June 16, 2008 5:32 pm This book is growing more and more schizophrenic as the issues go.  I understand that it's supposed to read like a drug inspired rock song... but damn,  I'm hoping for some solid thread of characterization for me to stay interested.
June 3, 2008 10:42 am @IIash  I agree the whole "Now YOU <insert thing here>"   was a huge clue to the reader but it seemed like Jaime and Traci didn't even notice it.
May 30, 2008 12:08 pm Nobody tells this origin better than Johns, i'm loving this book.
May 30, 2008 12:07 pm

This issue was great and I like that they're setting up a team that covers the beetle's weaknesses.


I'm glad the majority of people i know haven't dropped the entire book simply because they couldn't be arsed to flip through a quirky "in spanish, the language of the character" issue that had an easily accessable translation in the back...  It's a comic book, not a 400 page novel... so it's not like all that much flipping was required to read it. 

I read it through once without referencing the spanish translation, and then I went in the back and read all the translated stuff and read the book again. 

That gimmick allowed me to read the comic book twice and enjoy it equally both times which is not something I usually do.