They hail from American Vampire Anthology, Adventures of Superman #4, Young Avengers #9, Thor: God of Thunder #12, Deadpool #15, Lazarus #3, Batman / Superman #3.
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Thanks to Jason Aaron, Mike realizes that most of the books he’s reading are just kind of depressing.
Super duper!
Straight outta Svartalfheim
Taking note from Haupt /
Doing Best Covers haiku /
Could go either way
They come from Thor: God of Thunder #1, Animal Man #16, Peter Panzerfaust #8, Avengers Arena #3, Smallville: Season 11 #9, Mind The Gap #7, Wolverine and the X-Men #23, Earth 2 #8, Star Wars #1, & Secret Avengers #36!
Marks the spot.
Months after almost totally giving up on Marvel, Mike returns for a bit to check out a series of #1s… will he keep coming back for more?
Warning: May contain filthy mutants.