Article Archive

New Comics for 07.17.2013 would keep it where it is

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s not go to Vegas!

New Comics for 07.10.2013 Has an Achilles Heel

I like comics! You like comics! No bones about it!

New Comics for 07.03.2013 is melting

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s survive without AC!

Contribution Versus Caterwauling: How Nerds Communicate

A column critiquing comments, and thus possibly soliciting many.

New Comics for 06.26.2013 really wants a Tesla

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s learn how to steer without power steering!

A Convention of Children Learning To Read and Adults Drinking Beer

Spoiler warning: it’s the Denver Comic Con

New Comics for 06.19.2013 bought ‘Heat’ on Blu-ray yesterday

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s walk away in 30 seconds!

New Comics for 06.12.2013 has been watching A LOT of ‘Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman’

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s feel both smarter and dumber at the same time!

New Comics for 06.05.2013 had soda on Sunday for the first time in weeks

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s (not) drink sweet sweet sugar!

Avoiding the Negative Zone

Sharing opinions with the world has never been easier…and thus avoiding opinions has never been more difficult. In a world so geared toward sharing one’s thoughts, it’s important to occasionally quiet the noise and get back to the simple act of reading comics.