Review by: rwpos

What did the
community think?

Avg Rating: 3.3
Users who pulled this comic:

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

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Story: 2 - Average
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Hopefully, like with Secret Invasion, there will be gems like Captain Britain or Jason Aaron’s Black Panther to come out of the abyss that is likely to be Dark Reign.

  2. 58 million people in the United States voted for a complete airhead who can give a good prepared speech and has great legs to be the second most powerful person in the free world. Sounds like a bad comic plot doesn’t it?

  3. But was she ever a psychotic, super-powered terrorist?  And besides, people weren’t voting for her, she was the bottom of the ticket, and I doubt that had it been her name alone that she would have had half that many votes.  Nonetheless, the better comparison would be if Osama Bin Laden could get 58,000 votes (let alone 58 million), and then you can tell me it’s a credible plot concept.  It’s not like Osborne’s problem is that he doesn’t know the capitals of half the states – his problem is that he’s mentally unbalanced, likes to wear a goblin costume, and kills people.  Worlds apart…

  4. I’m going to be sadly dissapointed when Final Crisis gets less pulls than SI.

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