Review by: PhoenixFactor

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This book came to me early this week as a result of Marvel Subscriptions and what a treat it was.  It was so great to see Jessica Jones get the spotlight and for it to be under the pens of her two creators made it all the better.  The art of Michael Gaydos was phenomenal and heightened the harsh and justified emotion that runs through the whole issue.  It felt like Alias but censored for the  primetime viewer, but we all know what they were really saying anyway.  Their’s no big battle but the confrontations are amazing anyway.  Maybe even raises a few suspicions of who might be a skrull on the Mighty team, but i’m not sure it will go that way because of another book on the market.  Also to note, Spider-Man is doning the red and blues now, but not mention of OMD. Overall a great read.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I still have my Alias Omnibus sitting in the wings…do I need to read it to get this issue?  I would assume not…

  2. no, you’re fine just reading this. if you’ve been keeping up with new avengers, that is.

  3. I’d suggest reading the Omnibus first, if only to get the full emotional weight of this issue.  You’re going to understand what’s going on without it, but it’ll be the difference between watching two people you hardly know have a fight and two good friends having one if you’ve managed to read it first.

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