• A new series featuring the Court of Owls’ unstoppable killing machine!
• Meet Calvin Rose, the only Talon ever to escape the grasp of the Court of Owls. This former assassin just wants to live a normal life…but that’s impossible, since he’s being hunted by his former masters!
Written by Scott Snyder & James T. Tynion IVArt by Guillem March
Cover by Guillem March
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.2%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
DavidClark | 10/04/12 | No | Read Review |
JGLJR89 | 10/04/12 | No | Read Review |
AddisonDewitt | 10/01/12 | Yes | Read Review |
Brother B | 09/28/12 | No | Read Review |
TheNextChampion | 09/27/12 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.0
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I really enjoyed the Night of Owls. Will try this to see if there’s enough there for a series of this!
So, so similar to when Michael Lane escaped the Black Glove, became a hero, and got an “Azrael” series a few months after “Batman R.I.P.” was over…
Anyone else excited that, for the first time in the new 52, DC is creating a new concept, instead of just bringing back an old one? PROGRESS!
Progress indeed… just wish everything didnt have to come from Batman or Superman in some way lol. STILL Its a new character and a really good first issue.
I’m really looking forward to this too.
Here is a preview…..
Thanks for link man.
You bet.
Man, the art looks great!
For some reason this title feels like Azrael to me. Maybe it’s just cause March was artist for that book as well.
But thanks to Batman #0 and Tynion’s amazing back up story I’ve really started to get excited for this story.
Is this the same talon that escaped in Batman: The Dark Knight issue 9?
Nope, completely different Talon.
Not sure if it’s a good idea to put a new character on a new title without having Batman somewhere on the cover, but good on DC for sticking to their guns on the zero issues
This is the #0 issue I’ve been waiting for, the preview got me hooked.
Nice art on the preview pages. Somehow different than March’s work on Catwoman (Coloring, maybe?).
I’m in for a few issues, at least.
Not feeling it. An interesting one-shot, but this will be the only issue I pick up. Felt like the set-up to half a dozen different action movies that have been done before.
I agree. It was a good story, but I don’t think it will make an interesting series. Semi-mundane set up, but who really knows? Maybe it’ll end up being amazing…
My local comic shop owner suggested this to me as a palate-cleanser after I gagged down Teen Titans #0. I expected to hate it, but was surprised to find that I actually enjoyed it. I may even pick up a few more issues, just to see how it goes.
I debated about picking this up and I’m glad I did, was pleasantly surprised, will continue with it to see where it goes
I thought this was a very cool issue. It will be interesting to see him and Batman eventually cross paths.