Comic Books
Matt Murdock Dared Evil…and Lost! The battle for the soul of a hero begins! Pushed beyond his limits, Daredevil faces off for a final time against his deadliest foe–Bullseye– in their most brutal battle ever with more than just Hell’s Kitchen is at stake. Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Punisher and more join forces to stop a war that is breaking out throughout New York, with Daredevil at the center. This event will change the streets of New York City – and the heroes that protect it – forever. Plus, a jaw-dropping final page that will have everyone talking for years to come!
Price: $3.99
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Neb | 07/08/10 | No | Read Review |
"Dared Evil"? The solicit says Andy Diggle but I think my uncle is writing this book because only he would use a pun like that.
What is this? Even after reading the solicit, it’s still not clear to me.
Have they done an homage image of Bullseye getting skewered by a sai previously? If not, that is my bet for the final page.
@WilliamKScurryJr-I think it is about ‘can we pull Matt Murdock back from the darkside before he goes too far?’
im acatully looking forward to this the preview looked good
When Seige started I said "I’m gonna skip this one", figuring I don’t need to get EVERY Marvel event. Let’s see how long I can hold out before I buy this. Seige was issue two….but Seige didn’t have Billy Tan. He’s style doesn’t appeal to me.
(Sorry I know I started the Tan-bashing…it wasn’t on purpose)
I’m just about Frank Castle i though the Franken-Castle thing was a semi-permenant genre change…o well i’m interested though i hope Matt has gotten too far off the deep end
Anything I have to read to understand or could I just jump in?
Why do they have to solicit it so badly? A play on his name? Really? I hope the writer isn’t the one who writes the blurbs.
Do the book’s editors write the solicits?
I’m picking this up just becasue Moon Knight’s included in it. He’s one of those characters where I have to buy pretty much everything he shows up in.
Often, the writers write the solicits.
@ThePunisherMAX – What you said is what I do too, except it’s for Iron Fist.
Blergh. I’ll tradewait anyway.
if this is going to be the "Street Level" event, it really must live up to some of the classics about these characters. here’s hoping..
So I haven’t read Daredevil since Diggle’s first issue… anyone have a prediction on how well I’ll be able to follow this?
@Slockhart: I haven’t read a single issue of Daredevil but this link to comicalliance explains everything perfectly.
I’ve really enjoyed Diggle’s run so far, doesn’t hurt that story is so ninja-centric.
I can never remember which Tan is the good one.
Preview is awesome but I read Daredevil collected so Im skipping this event in issues and waiting for the collection.
I went into this wondering what would happen to trigger the whole thing. what will be the line that DD crosses? …that was a pretty good start.
They just had to remind me that the Sentry existed, didn’t they?
@slock Oh come on. That was a clever trick:p
Oh god I can’t wait for the Shadowland: Bullseye Funeral For A Friend book advertised at the end of this. I hope it’s a panel-for-panel reprinting of the Sentry funeral book with slightly tweaked text.
Holy shit this was awesome. Wow. I mean I kind of knew what was going to happen and it still shocked me. I’m really excited for this and can’t wait to see The Punisher join the fray.
I loved this book! I admit I am more interested in an awesome story than the art most of the time. Like all comic fans these days, I have been trying to cut down what I am reading to no avail. I loved the ending but let me just hope it stays that way. I am sold for the moment and going to pick up the main series and probably the tie ins as well. I have not done a complete tie in pick up since Civil War. I am looking foward to this a lot. WELL DONE.
I haven’t read Daredevil in a while but thought this event sounded like it would be enjoyable… far, so good!
Djd I’m sorry to hear that B&R 13 took your potw(Personally I hated it) And personally Red Robin got my pick, but this was a close second. As many problems as I had with it I still came away excited and hoping for more of this. Luckily we only have to wait one week for the next Daredevil book.
loved the bullseye bits, but the ending felt more silly/cliche than dramatic
Avengers felt really reluctant to jump into action in this, felt weird
Tan’s storytelling is pretty solid, and he doesn’t employ a simple grid which keeps the story a bit more dynamic, but there’s something about the faces and anatomy of his characters that feels alien and a bit off to me. Overall the art’s serviceable for my tastes, but not visually appealing. I really don’t care for the wavy “DD” emblem on Daredevil’s “new” black costume and it doesn’t do much in terms of offering a new design (what are those silly wrist blades supposed to be?). Why is Frank Castle in this? Why break current Punisher continuity for this event? I’m not really impressed by that editorial allowance. And I’ve grown weary of DD-angst that doesn’t advance his character arc, and perhaps Diggle and company will do something new in this event, but issue number one had no real story innovations. A fairly average comicbook story, not good enough to recommend to fence-sitters, not bad enough to kill my interest. I was mildly entertained, which is good enough for the first issue.