Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 16.4%


Bedhead05/15/09NoRead Review
changingshades05/15/09NoRead Review
ckl05/14/09YesRead Review
Templar05/14/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.4
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Catman is h@wt!!!  Glad that Nicola is back on the book.  I missed her oh so much.  I’m willing to overlook that this seems to be a BFTC tie-in.  Its just too much damn fun!

  2. Screw Tim, Jason and Dick. Catman and Ragdoll as the new dynamic duo would be AWESOME. I’m guessing the other contender is Bane, and with his new found personality that wouldn’t be so bad either.

  3. I’ve been enjoying BFTC, and everyone raves about Secret Six, so I guess I’ll give it a try.

  4. Secret Six is awesome,  give this book a chance you will like it.

  5. @Parker: the Ragdoll as robin would be ace!:)

  6. Plowed through my stack and just finished reading issues 1-8 tonight.  Feels good to be caught up on such a great book.

  7. if that douche-bag of a character actually became the next Batman i would stop reading comics, go outside, take up a healthy hobby, organise my life, meet a nice girl and become a more fully rounded individual. Stupid Catman!!

  8. One more time for the record — Bruce Wayne *IS* Batman. If I put on a Superman costume (haven’t done that for a while) would I be Superman? No. Same goes for anyone else who put’s on Batman’s cowl.

    Oh yeah, & this book is awesome. =D Nicola Scott is back! What up! Go Aussies!

  9. @WadeWilson: nope, Dick or Tim could be Batman. Just a different type of Batman, perhaps more sentative

  10. I’m hoping this issue is as good as #8!  The preview didn’t seem nearly as funny though…

  11. AHHHHHHHHH Shit Josh pulled this book

  12. @0and18   No no! Josh! it must be a mistake! Can u actually be reading this great series!!?? hope so =)


    Why so cereal catman?

  13. Holy shit! You guys totally broke josh down to the point of picking this series up. 🙂

  14. if only

  15. @edward — If wearing the cowl is all it takes, then Jason Todd, Tim Drake are both currently Batman. Also hundreds of kids & sad fanboys around the world are Batman as I type this.

  16. I jumped on board last issue and after being underwhelmed, I put the book on what I like to call "pull probation." However, this issue was amazing.  Halfway through my stack, I don’t see this not being my POW.

  17. lets get josh to pull deadpool.  then my friends our task is complete

  18. @slockhart   I think you would have enjoyed last issue more with a bit more back story.  Glad you liked this one.  Stick with it!  It’s worth it

  19. @peterporker: It’s not fair! You guys got josh to crumble into peices and forced him to get Secret Six….Why cant ron just give Deadpool a try? He’s got to now! It’s not fair if one ifanboy member does it and not the others.

  20. Just an another amazing issue from the best series DC is putting out right now.  Simone and Scott can do no wrong with this title– definitely my pick of the week this week.

  21. I just read this, and wow. It was just, wow.

  22. @Jim and Rusty   Yes and yes.  This was even better than I expected.

  23. i’m going to pick this issue up, if it’s bad i’m going to let you know!

  24. Secret Six stays good every month, best new book in a long time.

  25. Amazing issue.  Nicola gave Nightwing a sweet ass.  And it cracked me up that the Robin boy-panties were loose on Ragdoll.  I couldn’t stop laughing.  Great great stuff

  26. Yeah! Great issue, had lots of laughs & good dialogue as per usual when Simone is involved.

    "Heaven help us all! Gold-plated bedknobs!"

  27. So the I-fanbase has convinced me to pick this one up…I noticed the trade is solicited for July at 1-7…Is 8 a good jumping on point?  I figured this one is said to be standalone, but will 8 also do the trick? 

  28. @ludusmaximus: Yep, #8 is a standalone too!  Issues #1-7 were one long arc.

  29. Great, consider this added to my pull list

  30. Also, I love that Simone is expanding it so that Bane has a fixation with breaking spines.  Hilarious

  31. This is the first time one of the Ifanboys (Josh) have read the book and it garnered a whopping… 3. Meh I liked it, solid issue.

  32. I could have read Bane, Catman, and Ragdoll all day long.  It was awesome


  33. never read this book before .loved this issue .ragdoll is a creepy fuck aint he?   @tnc– soon victory shall be ours. ron will see the light

  34. so this was my first issue of Secret Six and you know what? it’s a solid 2.5 out of 5. Now, Now! put your asthma inhalers down and relax. It wasn’t a bad comic but not an especially good one either.

     the good:

    BANE, what a greater characterisation. he has an incredible air of manence about him.

    VIOLANCE, some actual scenes of real excitment, action and violance well portrayed

    THE SITUATION, really cool. i liked the way these two characters both seriously considered taking over the role of Batman. while pondering this noble person, unconsciencely demonstrating why they could never be him. The character actually remain villians

    IT’S DC PORN, there is to saying it’s pornographic material for DC comics fans


    The Bad:

    RAG-DOLL/SIMONE’S DIALOGUE, jesus chirst! that just just was not funny. Isn’t the whole referencing of the old korny btaman comics and tv series a little played. and another thing. it doesn’t even work wothin the logic of the story because these character would consider Batman and Robin threatening, not humorous.

     BANE HELD A BABY, a cheap little joke about a tough guy dealing with a cute little kid. That’s as original as casting Arnie, Vin Disiel or The Rock in a disney movie with the fat little kid out of Jerry Maguire. (who’s properly 23 now)

    IT’S DC PORN, there is to saying it’s pornographic material for DC comics fans

  35. This might be a biased question 2 put on here, considering this is 1 of the book’s threads………… but im completely debating what 2 read 2night. #’s 1-9 of the Secret 6 series………..OR……….from #1 to whatever of PROOF. Have never read PROOF or SECRET 6 before. Maybe ill drink a pot of coffee & read both. Seriously though, what would u guys pick?  NOTE 2 SELF: expect biased answers for SECRET 6

  36. @edward

     This was probably not the best issue to pick up of Secret Six as your first.  If you read the prior issues (or just from now on) you will see that Bane, Catman and Ragdoll are VERY different than the impression you seem to have gotten.

    The dialogue does make sense when you know the characters. Ragdoll for example would not see Batman and Robin as a threat. He is a psychopath. If you want to see a good example of this pick up the last issue which has a few pages of how he sees the world.

    Bane crippled the Bat once and Catman believes he is just as good of a fighter now than Batman has ever been.

    As far as Bane holding a baby I think it goes further than just being about a big tough guy holding a baby. This is a big tough guy holding a baby who just ripped a guys head off and put it through a window. The reason this tye of gag is used over and over again is because it works.

    But, if you didn’t like the dialogue I would recommend fropping the book. This was the kind of dialogue you get every issue, so if you think having more back story will help you appreciate it more then go get the other issues (or the trade when it comes) but if you don’t think that will help then this book probably isn’t for you.

  37. I really need to be reading this.

  38. This is the only DC series I am enjoying right now…  Love the characters and story.

  39. CBR had this as the best book of the week.


  41. @Osyris: Gotta give people a chance, my man. It’s only been a day.

    I’d say PROOF. But then, I’ve never read this book.

  42. @Oyris-I guess it depends on what you sort of story you prefer and how much time you have.  19 issues of Proof?  Or 9 issues of Secret Six?  I’ve read 2 issues of Proof, the latest, and have since ordered the first two trades.  But based on what I have read so far, I say read Secret Six first.  Its fun, crazy, and won’t take you too long.  Sorry if this is too late to help you.

  43. @Oyris – option three. neither book blew my socks off.

  44. Thanx guys………read SECRET6 anyway & loved it. Now a tip 4 u guys……….read WASTELAND by ONI

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