When the most beloved Olympian of all time falls, who will mourn him? Acclaimed INCREDIBLE HULK artist Ariel Olivetti joins writers Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente for a two-part mini-epic that marks the end of an era and the beginning of something utterly unexpected for Hercules, the Lion of Olympus. Bring your hankies — and your golden adamantine maces — as an all-star cast including Thor, Namor, Namora, Snowbird, Alflyse, Bruce Banner, and of course, Amadeus Cho send off the Son of Zeus with shocking tales, smash-tastic action, bawdy tomfoolery, and heart-rending drama that will change the course of Marvel’s marvelous mythological milieu… forever! Plus: There are some missions that require a woman’s touch- so the rest of the Agents of Atlas hang back and let Venus and Namora go out and show their stuff!

WRITER: Greg Pak, Jeff Parker & Fred Van Lente
PENCILS: Reilly Brown & Ariel Olivetti
COLORED BY: Chris Carroll
LETTERED BY: John Byrne & Mark Evanier
COVER BY: Ariel Olivetti

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%


CaptainCanada03/18/10YesRead Review
glwarm7603/17/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. Avatar photo PymSlap (@alaska_nebraska) says:

    Who will mourn him? I’d say THENEXTCHAMPION will mourn him, that’s who. My sympathies, TNC, but, immortals never die!

  2. Naw, NextChampion abandoned Hercules just when he needs him most.

  3. To be fair, Athena decided to abandon Herc when all she had to do was go over and carry him away from the machine.

    I should buy this…..Just to see some type of finale to this whole thing. But then I see Olivetti’s name as artist and I think it’s best not to buy this. Sad way to end a run in my view. 

  4. You are a traitor to a book you built up and a character you hyped and loved.

    You are no Amadeus Cho

  5. i’ll be giving it a go

  6. Okay, I saw Ares get ripped in half by the Sentry, but what the heck happened to Hercules?  Does this mean Hulk’s getting his book back?

  7. Oh…apparently Hulk already has his book back.

  8. @Scorpion: Like a Greek tragedy, this book pulled it all out from under me and left me to die. Or in reality just became a really lazily written title with a wimper of an ‘ending’. Trust me I am just as sad that this is how I end my run on Hercules/Cho then anyone else.

  9. Brilliant start to the finale.  The writers do an amazing job of juggling humour and sad sentiment moment-to-moment (Tobin’s backup strip is actually the best at that).  The ladies’ discussion of Hercules’ sexual prowess was hilarious.

  10. Pretty good, a little limp, though. Olivetti’s art was pretty solid all around. HOwever, I take exception to there being a back-up in a two-issue miniseries. 4/5

  11. Dude… Northstar


  12. Hey, it was going to be 3.99 regardless; I don’t know why one would object to getting some extra content, particularly when it was as good as it was.

  13. Van Lente and Pak pretty much kick-ass writing Hercules.  Not a big fan of the art style for this book.  I know it’s supposed to be somber, at a funeral and all, but all the painted posing had no feel.  It was pretty but…eh.  Now I can’t wait for the Prince of Power series to just get started all ready.

  14. @captaincanada Haven’t cared for the back up since it started in Herc, it felt truly out of place here. 

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