Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.8%


wildkid01/16/09NoRead Review
yyzKyle01/15/09YesRead Review
chewie81001/14/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. I know I’m going to like this.

    And knowing is have the battle!

    Ok ok, sorry for pulling a cheesy TNC joke, but I really am excited for this book.  I hope its good.

  2. I got the preview a while back and was a little taken a back at the dark pretexts. Taken a back and oddly intranced so I cant wait to pick this up.

  3. I’ll be grabbing it too. Used to love GI Joe as a kid. I just hope it isn’t so good i want to start collecting the toys again.

  4. I had no interest in another relaunch of G.I. Joe…until I saw that Chuck Dixon was writing it. 

  5. Check out the preview at Newsarama (little to no spoilers).  If you like the early material of the Marvel run or the feel of the Devil’s Due series, this looks like a good fit.

  6. If this were any other week. I’d be passing on this book. Good planning IDW.

  7. It’s like I’m 5 years old again.  I can’t wait to check this out.

  8. @drake: Hey! I didnt do anything….why do you have to do a joke on me?

    *Curb Your Enthusiasm theme music plays*

  9. I have heard interviews with artist Robert Atkins, and I have read every piece of internet news on this relaunch by IDW and I think that a perfect storm of "GOODNESS" is brewing.  It seems like Hasbro and IDW have got the right idea to bring G.I. Joe into the new 21st century with a heavy focus on Characters.

  10. $3.99 🙁  Will probably buy it, since this is a light week.  Still, very tempted to trade-wait this one.


  11. Yeah, I was really hoping for a $2,99 price for this as well.  Still, I am willing to try it and if I get hooked then I’ll stick around.  Still, it would make sense that they would put this at $2.99 so that more readers will be willing to jump on

  12. Unfortunately nothing EVERYTHING at IDW is 3.99. I will still be buying in issues even though my wallet wants me to wait for the trade. YO JOE!!!

  13. This will be awesome! Can’t wait for this.

  14. Haven’t read this yet, but I picked up the Dell’Otto wrap around cover and it is flippin sweet!!

  15. Just picked it up, haven’t read it yet but after dinner it is all mine.  Picked up the A,B, and C covers.   Hope to be smarter with my money down the line, but it is issue #1, baby!  Review to come tonight.

  16. My issue had some printing problems.  A few pages had white lines where the paper was folded during printing 🙁  Oh wells I guess.

    I enjoyed the issue.  Great intro to the crew and a bit of the interactions between them.  Solid art and solid story.  It could have done more to hook me, but I intend to stick around for at least the first arc.  I’m sure its gonna kick into gear pretty fast

  17. I thought it was pretty good my self.  Though I think mine was messed up as well.  At the end the text seemed to have a shadow like it was smeared or something.  Just a minor complaint.

  18. Loved the banter and interaction between the characters.  Decent cliffhanger at the end, and good action sequences throughout.  Snake Eyes’ calling card on the evidence he sent in was clever.

  19. I got three issues….Covers A, B and C and i have no problems with the printing in any of them.  That sucks and I would hope your local comic vender would replace them and get those sent back to IDW.  

  20. In addition I must say that I love the fact that IDW opted to keep Wraith in the picture who was created during the Devil’s Due run.  Wraith is cool, he deserves to stick around and was just awesome in this first issue.

  21. I’m cool with the changes we saw in this first issue.  I would 100% rather see a character changed from male to female and still be similar to their olden days counterpart rather than see IDW….with or without Hama come out of the gate and start creating new characters.

  22. LOVED THIS!!! The double page shot of The Pit blew me away. Great first issue.

  23. Nice to see the Joes again.  Looking forward to next issue and checking out the other Joe minis that are coming out.

  24. Had a couple pages that were horribly printed and are all blurry. I am going to complain. 3.99 an issue? you bet your ass I’m gonna complain.

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