Comic Books


Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.9%


rwpos04/12/09YesRead Review
markfg04/10/09NoRead Review
comicBOOKchris04/09/09NoRead Review
VisionGX04/08/09YesRead Review
Templar04/08/09NoRead Review
akamuu04/07/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. This will be a last minute choice. I like Diggle, but these cash-in Dark Reign mini’s need to be stopped. I might be out of touch, but I haven’t heard anybody screaming for more Bullseye or Venom pretending to be heroes.

  2. Every Dark Reign tie-in that I’ve read has been fun, so I’m going to give this one a try.

  3. @Conor  Me too, this is the most interesting status quo shake-up in decades

  4. When I heard this was coming out, I didnt read into it.  I thought it was going to be a hawkeye book.  I know Ronin, whatever, but I was hoping for the best.  Oh well, I’ll still pick it up.

  5. I AM GEEKED! I just started reading Diggle stuff and I’m loving it.

  6. If you think this is too much Dark Reign mini’s….wait til you see June-July.

    I can just imagine josh looking at this in the LCS 🙂

  7. So this is a Bullseye book .. Well crap. Pullin’.

  8. I thought Elektra was the world’s deadliest assassin. They’re just throwing that title around willy-nilly aren’t they?

  9. @mountainwindcat I think it’s like in any other competitive endeavor. Everyone has their favorites. Everyone has an opinion on who’s the best.

  10. This is so awesome one of Daredevils most hated enemies portraying to be the Avengers’ Avenging Archer I wonder how he’ll fit in though the only thing in Bullseye’s mind is to kill people no matter what the cause but either way I’am considering of buying this comic book.

  11. ha ha. how do you like them apples, josh?!

  12. *theater time*

    (Josh goes into his LCS, picks up his stack*

    Josh: Hey what’s this?….

    Owner: Oh it’s the new Hawkeye mini. I know you liked it so much I thought you wanted to give it a try.

    Josh: That sounds great! (flips threw it) Wait…..wait…what is this?….This isnt Hawkeye….this isnt right…this isnt right at all!

    Owner: What’s the problem?….

    Josh: There is no God!! (crashes out of window and runs)

  13. I’ve been enjoying the Dark Reign: Fantastic Four tie-in, so I’ve really got no reason not to check this out.

  14. just think about that 12 year old who picks this up and thinks this is the real hawkeye! ha ha

  15. Can’t wait

  16. I don’t konw. The only time I like Bullseye is when someone is punching him in the face. A skip for me.

  17. Now that Hawkeye quit being Hawkeye and has to be the worst character ever (Ronin) we might as well have a badass wearing the costume.

  18. I find that with Hawkeye and Green arrow you always really want them to just out right shoot someone with an arrow. They never really seem to ever do that! This was great just to see an archer go all out in a comic.

  19. This was pretty good. Not spectacular and not POW-worthy, but a good, solid book. I’m on for the next issue at least.

  20. I can’t believe my eyes. How is this not a higher rating? I LOVED this book. I love hawkeye and never read thunderbolts prior to Dark Reign. But now i will be going to my LCS and getting anything that has Bullseye in it. I think i may have a new favorite character. 5

  21. Wow. They really fooled us. Wow. A Bullseye mini–oh, Dark Reign is so provocative. Oh my. What. Ever.

  22. Oh man i totally thought this was going to be about clint barton. but it ended being pretty good

  23. This was so well done and the art was gorgeous

  24. I loved the art here but found the writing fairly sub-par relative to Diggle’s previous output. This wasn’t a failure, but it wasn’t what I was hoping for.

  25. Good starting ground.  It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the coming issues.. I wonder if this will be tied in to the Dark Avengers in any way

  26. I’m surprised this isn’t scoring higher, it was really excellent.

  27. The only thing better than this book is people actually being fooled into thinking it was about Clint; check the solicits next time, boyos.

  28. So Bullseye is a bad person….really? That deserves a mini? Couldn’t this issue have been covered in, like, a panel in Dark Avengers? Not saying it wasn’t well done, just saying it only served to milk $3.99 out of Dark Reign.

    If you put an event banner on a book I am of the opinion it should have an impact in some way. Otherwise you could have just made this a regular Bullseye mini.

  29.  I’m keeping an eye on this book.

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