Comic Books


• “Megacrime and Punishment” continues!

• Daredevil imprisoned in Latveria for crimes against the state – and no amount of lawyering can get him out of there!

• Meanwhile, Foggy uncovers more evidence that Matt’s not quite the man he seems.

Story by Mark Waid
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Javier Rodriguez
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Paolo Rivera, Mike Dedodato, Matt Hollingsworth, Ed McGuinness, & Dexter Vines

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.0%


TheNextChampion06/22/12NoRead Review
buckmulligan06/21/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. “Megacrime and Punishment continues!”

    These 4 words took away a bit of the joy of having DD out this week…

  2. Mmmm… Samnee…

  3. Anyone else notice that the rivets on Doom’s mask spell D O O M in braille?

    VERY cool, Bravo Rivera!

  4. Avatar photo filippod (@filippodee) says:

    Rivera’s Daredevil brings back the sense of awe I had when I was reading Colan’s as a kid. For that I am grateful.

  5. We’ve been on this hyperdrive thing forever. I’m looking forward to it being over! And I like Doom, but I’d rather see more DD specific stuff.

  6. Daredevil in prison.. Never seen that before 🙂 Seriously though each month DD, Batman, and Uncanny X-Force are the best superhero books out right now. I love how Daredevil has had great writers for most of the last 10 or so years.

  7. Avatar photo MarkCWarner (@MarkCWarner) says:

    Agreed with every sentiment and statement in this comment section and to that I say thank you for making my anticipation for this book above Saga.

  8. Doctor Doom
    Mark Waid
    Chris Samnee

    How can this issue fail? It can’t!

  9. I was never a huge DD fan until this most run. This has been a great book and always finds its way to the top of my weekly reading pile. Should be another good issue.

  10. This is issue #14 of a great title right now and there has been only one issue where I was like this is so/so! If you were ever intrested in DD and you were not sure where to start or what to read then this would be your comicbook right here. Get this if it comes out in trade and then read the single issues; you will not be disappointed!


  11. This issue was fantastic. Wait till you get to the last page.

  12. I always thought Daredevil’s radar sense was the result of an amalgamation of all of his heightened senses. Like because his other 4 senses were so strong, the combination of them created a mental image of his surroundings. He even said in an earlier issue in this series that it was like he was constantly touching everything in the room.

    This issue seemed to imply that the radar sense is actually a sense of it’s own, since he was still able to use it when his other 4 remaining senses had already failed. Interesting

    • “Smacked by a cylinder of radioactive chemicals, young Matt Murdock was granted a sixth sense, a radar-like ability to sense the world around him!”

      I always thught of it as echolocation, but I think there’s precedent that it goes above and beyond simply a gestalt of The Remaining Four Senses. His Sixth Sense replaces his Missing Fifth Sense, and acts as Eyesight to the Bilnd.

      Or at least that’s my sense of it.


  13. A little disappointed there was no Doom, but I guess he’s coming next issue,

  14. Another good issue. Wonder how Matt’s gonna get outta this one.

  15. Great read, Samnee was good but no Rivera…On a side note, I had my letter published in this issue!!! Bottom of the middle column, J.D. 🙂

  16. this is the best issue of the series. really enjoyed it. best DD issue i’ve read in a while.
    samnee is clearly the superior interior penciler. rivera’s covers are superb, but panel to panel, samnee is a much more polished storyteller. can’t wait to see his dr doom in action.
    love seeing villains from other books thrown into the mix. i always thought dr doom and iron man should fight more. given their armor and all.
    i keep thinking matt has his father’s skull in that top drawer.

  17. Avatar photo consafo80 (@consafo80) says:

    this was my first issue of daredevil and I loved it. I’m not sure why it took me so long as I’m a big DD fan. but I’m adding it to my pulllist.

    • You’re not alone, I debated getting many times but just took the risk & then went out to buy the three previous issues all gooooooooood stuff!

    • Waid’s entire run has been four- and five-star.

      Mostly five-star. You really won’t be disappointed.

      There’s maybe one weak issue, and even that one is pretty great. That’s the one four-star issue.

      The rest is outstanding. Really. Great. Daredevil. Comic Books.

  18. I never read Daredevil at all before issue #9. After I read that one with the Mole Man I picked up the trade with issues #1-6 and tracked down issues 7 and 8 and the Spidey crossover and have been reading ever since. It’s awesome! Usually the first one of the week I read when it is out. Can’t wait to see what happens next issue with Doom.

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